[Old 'friend'?] [5]

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You struggled against her grip, still a bit panicked from earlier.

"You were gonna kill them, weren't you?" She hissed, 'protecting' me in a tight hug with one of her arms.
"Kid, please let go. . ." I mumbled as my vision was starting to flicker back to how it was before due to the stressful situation. "He'll kill you!-" The purple haired girl exclaimed, a bit surprised. "Actually, you seem to be doing more stress to him then I was, Lambchop!" Freddy spoke up, causing this 'Millie' girl to look between the both of you in surprise. "... He do anything to you...?" Millie asked you before even BEGINNING to trust him. "No, aside from saving my sorry ass from having to deal with an absolute asshole." You shrugged and Millie allowed you to lay back down on the floor.

"But his fucking 'murder hatch' was open!" She pointed out. "Trust me kid, if he wanted to kill me, he would've done so." You assured the girl, her attention turning to the bear.
Oooh.. Did he look pissed, or did he look PISSED. Freddy closed the hatch carefully, and sat beside you to check if you were going back into another episode. "So he... DIDN'T try to kill you..? That's weird, even for him." Millie looked at Freddy in confusion, as if asking why I was still alive. "Hey, how long has the bear stayed here..?" She asked, although, was careful with her tone of voice.
"Few days, not too long." I replied, now glancing over to a slightly worried Freddy. "Freddy, I am happy for the worry, but mind telling me what's goin' on?" I raised an eyebrow, watching the bear try to come up with a good explanation. "I was a past victim of his, simple as that." She explained for him. "That actually explains everything pretty good, thanks kid." I gave a thumbs up, looking over at the bear sternly.
"I think you owe someone a real damn good apology.." I sat up to better look up at the bear. Millie on the other-hand was pretty sure I had signed my own death-wish by doing that. . .
Freddy gave me a slightly annoyed glare as if to say 'make me'. So, I stood up, and began having a fucking stare off with him. At this point, Millie was just planning my funeral..

"... Fine." He finally caved, allowing me to finally blink and look away. "BUT.. I get to pick decorations!" He smirked, and I thought for a second. "Alright, I can live with that." I chuckled, Freddy got super excited, however Millie was confused..
"Decorations for what?" She asked, tilting her head and sitting beside me, though she made sure not to sit where Freddy was. "Oh, my birthday is tomorrow, and he wanted to help plan it." I shrugged, chuckling a little. "Holy shit, really? Didn't think he was one to be excited for birthday parties, let alone wanting to plan one." She joked, looking at the excited bear, who was already thinking up ideas and themes. "I told you before, didn't I? I'm built to love birthdays!" He replied, beaming slightly while double checking with you yet again that you were okay. "Shortcake, is everything alright? No more episodes?" He tilted his head, Millie looked at the bear, at me, then smirked at the bear with a raised eyebrow. "... What?" Freddy asked Millie, suddenly freezing in place at her expression. She made the signal to ask him 'u gay?' while making sure he knew she was absolutely okay with it. He was silent for a moment, before pointing at some colors.. pink, purple, blue..
He was bi.

Millie looked to me, however, I was a bit tired, so I didn't really care to eavesdrop. She looked back to Freddy, seeming to be asking if 'you like him?'.

Freddy made a hand signal that meant 'unsure'. "You have a good chance going with horror." She finally suggested, playing it off like she was just talking with him about decorations. "Really, are you sure [Y/N] would be alright with that theme?" He asked, catching onto what she was doing. "Absolutely sure." She smiled, now realizing I was fully asleep.

[you're asleep so not is 1st person now!]

Freddy watched you, you had passed out from how exhausting today was. "Well, at least we don't need to pretend.. How did you find me..?" Freddy sighed, slight anger in his tone. "It isn't very hard to find a giant robotic bear.." She admitted, making sure not to be loud in order not to wake you. "True, but why did you follow?" He was now asking the important questions, that was for sure. "I wanted to make sure you weren't gonna kill someone.." Millie admitted, crossing her arms. "Fair enough, after all, you know my capabilities. And so does he, however, he has been very calm about it. And plus, I owe it to him to stick around and be helpful, he's allowing me to stay." He shrugged, picking you up extremely carefully, standing up and heading over to your futon. "So, he knows about you being a big murder bear? And he's chill with it?" She looked at you in honest slight respect, and the bear nodded. "Yeah, he is absolutely gonna be alright with it, if you asked him. He has that 'lost puppy' vibe around you." She chuckled, just glad to see the bear actually being a decent being. "And plus, here you are, the sadist bear who almost killed me, holding that man like he'd snap in half if you held him wrong." She smiled at how Freddy was putting you on the futon so gently that he was barely even making any fast movements. She heard Freddy's fans whirr faster, and he stumbled a bit with his words as he sat on the floor beside him. "Well um, he- I-... Dang it, you're right!" He gave up on being defensive. "I do like his company... He's funny, he listens to my rants about disturbing facts, he shows me so much trust, and he's just... I wouldn't kill him, even if I tried." He admitted, flustered as he talked about what he liked about [Y/N]. "This guy has you in a death grip, Bear." She didn't sugar-coat it, and he didn't mind, he knew she was correct..

"Honestly, Lambchop?"

"I think so too.."

[SRRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS BOOK FOR A WHILE! I have been a tad busy irl, shit happens ya'know?]

.={The Cards Are In Nobody's Favor..}=. a CTW Freddy X Reader! (OLD ASF)Where stories live. Discover now