Chapter 2

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Still In The Past~

I come into the room with the chest and other pieces and set them down in front of them. As I did the chest released my necklace and it went back to its original color and form, clear and a circle like stone.

They look at me as if I brung them bomb parts. I point at the armor pieces and look at all them. But they were all silent and some of them backed away slowly.

I look at them sternly, walking towards them and ask ,"What is this". Pointing at it once again.

They all looked at each other and tried to push each other to answer me. This began to bother me and I was about to yell at them to shut the hell up until someone spoke up.

I didn't really hear what the person said but I was still able to hear it faintly. They moved to the side and let the person who spoke up be seen.

I saw it was the woman that I held in my arms before I had to go to check out that sound. She looked better now but was still sitting on the floor. I remembered that I told one of them to hold her while I was gone.

I growled. "They can't even stay and care for each other.. So selfish", I said in my head as I looked around at all them, growling.

I walked towards her slowly and when I was in front of her, I kneeled down on my right knee and took one of her hands in mine. She lightly smiled as I began to nod my head, telling her silently to repeat what she said.

"I know what it is", she said with a scratchy voice

I moved closer to her and rubbed my thumbs on her hand. I was so concern for her. She looked fine but her voice told me something different. I didn't want her to speak but she was the only one that wasn't scared of me. So I nod my head and spoke up.

"Can you tell what it is and if I does anything. And why it connected to my necklace and wouldn't let go".

Her face changed from light smiles, to a serious and warning look. She began to try to get up on her feet. I gently grabbed her shoulders and held her down in her place. She looked at me with terrifying eyes but it didn't look like she was scared for herself but

"Hey, calm down. What's wrong?", I asked her as I looked at her worried.

She put her hands on my face and her lips begins to quiver as she tells me these few words.

"You have to go.. You must never take those things and never stop walking".

I tried to ask her what those things do, but she kept telling me to go before it's too late. She started to push me to leave. I held on to her and then I just couldn't hold it anymore. I grabbed on to her and hugged her tightly. I felt her stiffen up but she then began to hug me back.

I felt so much at this moment.

I just woke and everything is happening so fast. For godsake I didn't even know my own name, or what is going on with me and this necklace.

A Moment Back To The Present~

Like she told me back then, "to walk and not to stop until I feel something". Well I listened to her request and took off. I grew up and when I turned 18 I was able to wear the armor suit. I was concerned about how big it looked, that I wouldn't be able to fit in it, but when I put it all on, it was like it was made for me.

Then it came to the walking. I have been walking for 8 years and still felt nothing. Not even a single tug towards something or a place. I really wonder if I was sent on this to do something special or to grow up and look like a fool who died of walking for nothing. But I know the woman was right. I feel it deep down in my guts. So I will continue to walk even if does kill me.

And about that strangle necklace. I know nothing about it and when is try to take it off it stings. So I gave up a long time ago trying to take it off.

But something I didn't notice when I was hugging the woman, when I had got older, messing with the necklace..., when I was 16 ...or something close to that since I don't really know, was it changed to the color shy blue. It recorded that moment.

Everything in that certain amount of time, it captured everything like it was in the air flying around, watching, know I wanted to relook at it later on.

Some things I will never know about. Most things I might never understand but, I know this, all of this has something to do with remembering and looking for these unanswered questions. If that means walking until they are answered. I will walk until my body gives out. I won't let anything stop me. Never.

Back To The Past~

When I finally left the house, I waved and said my goodbyes to this strange place. I then began my journey.

The armor with me, in a bag, some food and water, and my feet to take me where I need to go. Where ever that is.

"This is where my life begins and this is how it could end...Well I guess I will have to do this to find out if I will end up a corpse on this forgot cold ground." I began to laugh as I finished my sentence, thinking I could be.. But I won't let that happen.

I have feeling that, whatever this..

'Lifts my necklace off my chest and looks at it'

..thing is.

'Sets it back down'

I feeling I won't be dead any time soon.

Even if I have just woken up a few hours ago, and my life is moving so quickly. I know I will be fine. Nothing can stop me. Nothing. I will go on this however long walk through hell or the highs of the heavens.

I'm walking to my destination. With no one. But me. For now, I will been known as...

The Winter Lotus

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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