"First I want to apologize for how I acted at court I should've let you explain to me why you did what you did. I'm sorry that I told you Mari wasnt yours in that way I should've went about it  different way because I know that hurt you. I'm sorry for blaming you for everything "She ranted

"You had every right to react the way you did and I don't blame you. I need to be the one apologizing because I shouldn't have left all their with her knowing how she is. I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about your mom I just didn't want you to to go looking for her and when you don't find her then that would've left you broken and I didn't want that" He said

"Why didn't you let us stay with trey when I asked"I asked

"Trey was young he wasn't gon know what to do with y'all especially Mari" He said

"I was young I didn't know what to do with her I had to be grown at 10 years old"She wiped her face an Darius came to sit by her

"If I could take all your pain away I would,I never wanted this for you. This is my fault I should've made the right decisions for my kids now look what that got me a dead son , the love of my life left , my babygirl broken"He said

"Give me a back story about y'all " Mora asked

Darius smiled a little"Me and your mom starting dating freshman year of high school. We had a on and off relationship because of me but when I finally got my shit together we was end game nothing couldn't tear us apart not even her parents"He chuckled

"They didn't like you"She tilted her head a little

"No because I was in the streets. After we had jay our love for each became stronger to the point we end up moving together my life was completed your mom was everything i needed in a woman and her having my kids was a plus. When we found out she was pregnant again and it was a girl we was excited. We went to the store every day to buy stuff I'd catch her on Amazon everyday. But when she had you its like everything changed in your mom and now that I look back I think she was going through PPD. But one day I came back from work and y'all was sleep and she was gone and she took all her stuff and I was determined to find her I didn't get no rest at all but after 2 months I stopped because I kept reaching a dead end. That was her letting me know she didn't wanna be found"He sighed rubbing his eyes

"What was her name"Mora asked

"Naomi Amora Patterson"He said and she smiled

"Why my princess didnt come"He asked

"Trey taking her and her friend somewhere she wasn't passing that up"They laughed

"I know I said wasn't gon tell her but I don't want her finding out later in life and be mad at me or you for not tell her when we had the chance"Mora said

Darius nodded "That's the mistake I made and I won't do it again we'll tell her together"He said

Mora started messing with her fingers because she nervous about what she had to say "pops"She said gaining her father's attention

"Hmm"He said

"Umm jay faked his death"She said slowly

"What the hell you talking about"He said

"He walk in my therapy session with his daughter and wax calling my therapist mom I didn't recognize him at first until Trey showed me that tattoo you made them get alike"She said as she look up at and he was staring straight ahead

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