New people?

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~.Third person.~

Charlotte stayed outside climbing the trees that were by the house, picking flowers, talking to the horses. Whatever a fifteen year old can do in this new world. She then heard it. The rumbling of engines as she turned around sh watched the cars warily. Studying them. Charlotte watched as people stepped out of the car and as one got off a motor bike. She rushed to the porch but then stopped as rick was walking down. "Woah hey.." rick mumbled as charlotte stepped to the side feeling nervous. "How is he'?" Someone with a rough accent said softly. "Hes— hes doin good..stable.." rick said. Charlotte just stood silently not wanting to speak much. The other man nodded and walked in the house. Rick started talking with some people as someone came up to charlotte and accidentally scared her. Charlotte let out a scream and turned around staring at the person.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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