Start from the beginning

"Oh, we went back to Good Hunter. Collei and Amber love that place, so no one rejected their idea. It is thanks to Amber that we got free housing."

"Then let's go to Cat's Tail. No, don't give me that face. There isn't any alcohol involved, so drop that look." Alhaitham picked up his hand that was on the stick shift, pointing a finger at (Y/N) who was eyeing him suspiciously. "The pizza there is said to be out of this world."

"I don't want to see you near another shot glass or a bottle of alcohol near you."

"Yes ma'am." He responded in a sarcastic tone. A vein popped on the side of the girl's forehead.

"I am younger than you, please don't call me that. You're making me feel old."

"Then don't treat me like I'm a kid who needs to be watched."

"I don't feel like being held hostage in the bathroom with you again."

"But you were concerned for my well-being."

"Yes, because someone decided to take archons know how many shots!"

"I think it was eight."

"Not healthy for the body, at all!" (Y/N) put her arms into a cross symbol, emphasizing it multiple times by shaking her arms. "You could've suffered from alcohol poisoning, especially since shots are generally not mixed."

"Lesson learned. That's why I stick with wine." Alhaitham sighed, looking over at (Y/N) who put her arms down and rested her hands on her legs. "Just as long as you don't have any alcohol consumption, we should be fine."

She shot him a serious look, her eyebrows dropping. "Like hell I'd drink around you."

He put his hand back on the stick shift, tapping along to an uneven rhythm. "Are you a crybaby type of drunk? Or are you a clingy one? Do you vent about anything that comes to mind?"

"Alhaitham, respectfully, please shut up."

He threw one hand up in defeat, dropping the conversation. He kept his eyes on the road straight ahead, seeing the turn up ahead that directed the way to Cat's Tail.

Alhaitham took a small few glances around him as he stopped at the stoplight, blurry faces roaming the soaked sidewalks. All he could make out of the roaming bodies were their clothes, being able to identify some wearing scarves and hats. He returned his attention to the stoplight, waiting for it to turn green to safely go.

After accidentally taking the corner a bit fast and sharp, he saw out of the corner of his eye (Y/N) grabbing onto the roof handle while glaring a wishful death toward him. Her face was frozen with fear like someone had just shown her the eternity of her life within seconds. Once again this was a natural habit of his to do this with his car when Kaveh was in it, as it was a friendly reminder of how the blond's life was in the grey-haired male's hands.

"Ah, sorry. A force of habit. I only do this with Kaveh in the car."

If her thoughts could be read aloud, a lengthy string of curse words and lecturing would be drilling into the side of Alhaitham's head. At that point, she wished she was riding in the car with Mona because at least her best friend valued both of their lives. Was it because I told him to shut up? No, he's just messing with me. If me telling him to shut up really bothered him that much, he would've made a tense and awkward atmosphere.

(Y/N) kept her thoughts to herself, mumbling a soft it's okay in response, slowly bringing her hand back to her side after making sure Alhaitham wasn't going to take any more sharp turns. After carefully observing and watching the male drive to their destination for four minutes, they finally arrived. One of them remained in one piece while the other held back a desire to knock the other upside the head.

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