014 // DAY 4

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What's that sound?

You opened your eyes, turning to your left and seeing a small rectangular square illuminating the black space around it on the nightstand. You reached your arm out from under the warm blanket, picking up the phone only to be blinded by the bright light.

Is that someone calling me? You saw the option of a sliding button to accept, doing so without thinking twice. Groaning, you tugged your phone with gentle force, unplugging it from the charging port. You hit the speaker button after fighting the phone to quit having the screen go black, only to have your ear drums bleeding out.

"Hello?! Are you even awake?" The person on the other side of the phone was clearly annoyed.

Oh, it's Mona. "What do you want?" You replied, grouchy.

"Wake up and come let us in! We're out here freezing our asses off!"

It felt like your ears were being blown out by her, as if she was trying to wake you up. In which she was, and doing a marvelous job at that too. "Are you playing a prank on me? What's the tim- three in the morning?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What the hell is wrong? Well you're about to have a big problem if you don't come down here and let us in! Alhaitham is about to kick the door down!" The sound of a muffled thud could be heard through the other side of the call.

"Wait, what do you mean by freezing? Why are you outside?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe because the power went out?!"

What? "Then your generator should've-" The faint sound of banging could be heard from downstairs, making you look slowly towards the half opened door.

You sat up in the bed, looking around the room in confusion. It took a few seconds for the conversation to actually register in your head after sitting there for a moment. It felt like gears were starting to operate as you realized the situation.

"Wait, wait! I'm coming!" You jumped out of the bed, ditching your phone and running out of the room. Placing your hand on the handrail and shuffling down the stairs quickly, you could hear the banging clearer each step you went down.

"Don't break the damn door!" You nearly tripped over your own feet as you skipped the last step, trying desperately to make your way to the door. Placing your hand on the knob and the other on the deadbolt lock, you swiftly unlocked it as you took an instinctive step back. Had you not, your nose would've met quite the unfortunate fate with the front door.

You looked up to the cause of your nose almost being broken, a stern glare being cast towards you from an extremely upset Alhaitham. "If you didn't wake up after the third call, he was seriously going to bust it down." Mona threw out the obvious, her and Layla rushing in last and accidentally shutting the door a bit too hard.

You turned on the downstairs light as the three scattered downstairs, trying to warm up as quickly as they could. Alhaitham was already at the coffee machine while Layla and Mona were scouting for the extra blankets in the living room. Talk about a caffeine addiction.

"Wait, so you mean your generator didn't kick on?" You immediately looked Alhaitham, who looked up at you and held a glare that said "don't-you-dare-say-anything". You held back a laugh by covering your mouth and looked back over at your best friends.

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