Neteyam - Mixed signals II

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It was calm out here. The wind was refreshing and the sun was setting. I needed to get away from the camp. I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to be on my own for a little bit.

It wasn't Neteyam's fault. Of course i was upset, but i wouldn't blame him for it. You can't control who you like and if he's happy with Kìae, then that's all that mattered

I approached the little cliff where i would come to relax and sat down, my back against a tree. I brought my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. It breaks my heart that i thought i had a chance with Neteyam. I thought he liked me, that he saw me as more than a friend. Maybe he truly was being friendly and i misread his signals.

It doesn't matter anymore.

He does not like me and that's okay. I'm more than just my feelings for Neteyam, i'll get over this. Beside, if i can keep him as my friend, it is more than enough for me. Just because he likes Kìae, doesn't mean he hates me. It just means i'll just be his friend.

I leaned my head back and rested against the trunk of the tree. As the sun was setting, the stars starting be visible, and the bioluminescence began to light up around me. i took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

This felt nice, the silence was comfortable. Maybe i should rest a bit here, i knew i didn't want to go back any time soon. I don't think i'm ready to face Neteyam and Kìae right now.

I felt myself drift off to sleep, before everything around me disappear.


"Hey, wake up.."

"(Y/N), wake up, let's go back home, okay?"

A voice called me, telling me to wake up. I felt a hand on my cheek, it was warm. I slowly opened my eyes, trying to reconnect to reality. How long have I been asleep? My eyes slowly trailed up to the person who was trying to wake me up. Neteyam. He was kneeling down next to me.

"Are you okay? I was looking for you everywhere." He said as he slightly moved his hand lower on my cheek so I would keep looking at him. He was looking for me?

I was still waking up and kinda confused if I'm being honest, so I was simply staring at him. He had such beautiful eyes, and his freckles were so pretty. I wish I could kiss them one by one.

Neteyam grew worried seeing as I was not answering him. "(Y/N)? Are you hurt or did anything happen?" He asked again, looking at my body trying to find any wounds. I slowly shook my head. "No, I'm fine. I'm fine, Neteyam."

He didn't seem convinced with my answer. I needed to stay strong. I can't let him see that my heart is being absolutely shattered at the thought of him with someone else. I can't let him know anymore. I am only his friend. He likes Kìae

"(Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right?" He said as he moved his hand away from my face to grab both my hands. No, i can't. That's the thing.

I nodded my head yes, thinking it would be better to lie about this for his sake. "I know, but I'm fine, Neteyam." I said looking up at him, trying to sound convincing.

He looked sad when he heard me, almost disappointed. He probably knew something was up. "Can i sit with you?" He proceeded to ask. I moved a bit and he sat next to me.

"You said you had something to tell me." He then blurted out. Shit. I didn't think he would bring this up so fast into the conversation.

"Oh, it wasn't important, don't worry about it. It's all good." I lied as I forced a small smile on my face.

"... but you- you said it was important to you, (Y/N)"

"What- no I didn't." I did. I absolutely said that.

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