One Shot 5: Rememberance

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I didn't want to believe it but it was true. I spent three months in hell and I come out to find out that he was engaged. She was beautiful too. She was a woman from the Lanling Jin sect, Jin Liang (A feeling of elevation; A light of light). She wasn't one of the main heirs of Jin Guangshan, but her family and education was outstanding. Her eyes were a nice warm brown, her hair was long and to her waist, and her body was as the best shape for a female.

I should be happy for him, but I am not. The day I met him, I knew he was special to me but I am worthless. I was told by Yu Ziyuan herself. My parents are dead and according to her, it was to get away from me. I was called a son of a servant, I was a servant, I was a shield, I was Jiang Cheng and Shijie's shield. I did what was asked of me, Jiang Cheng was withering away, so I gave him my golden core as he had lost his. I picked up a new cultivation method because I had no other choice.

I was standing there by my Shidi Jiang Cheng at the conference meeting in Glamour hall. The war was ended, and my services were no longer needed. I needed to destroy the Yin Hu Fu but it would kill me. Maybe it was for the best. I am not worth being alive.

"Wei Gongzi?" A voice asked.

I looked to see a face that seemed like an innocent puppy face, but I could see in his eyes, Jin Guangyao's eyes, that he was up to no good.

"Lianfang Zun," I greeted calmly.

"What do you think of Hanguang Jun's match? I helped Er-Ge and his Shufu pick her out myself. I heard Hanguang Jun cannot keep his hands off her," he said.

Pain, so much pain.

"She is good for him," I replied.

"Must be nice to be an heir, they can have anyone," Jin Guangyao said.

I saw that Zewu Jun was close by and he was listening in, but I didn't think Jin Guangyao knew that, "is there a point to this conversation?" I asked.

"I heard that you are a cut-sleeve, and you are in love with him," he said.

I saw Zewu Jun's eyes widen at the realization and look at me. I took in a deep breath, "he is better off with who he has. I cannot give him anything he deserves. Even if it is just the love inside my heart, it still won't be enough. My cultivation method is also a factor. He doesn't need to be around me, and it is forbidden in his sect, I am forbidden in his sect. I was told many times I would die alone and on the streets, and I have no doubt of it."

I saw Zewu Jun head the way, "A'Yao," he said calmly.

"Er-Ge, we were just talking about your brother, saying how happy we are of his engagement news," Jin Guangyao said.

I sighed and turned to leave, "Wei Gongzi," Zewu Jun said grabbing my arm. I winced in pain causing Zewu Jun to let me go, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"No one every seems to," I said, "and you know what," I walked to the center of the room and got everyone's attention, "since you all want to know why I gave up my sword, why don't I just show you why. I will use the Remembrance array!"

"No!" Lan Zhan said, "it's dangerous, it requires your blood to make the array and once it starts, no one can leave."

"Since when do you care about what happens to me, Hanguang Jun?" I asked, "you have other priorities now and I am doing this array."

I cut my hand and drew the array on the floor. I then sat in Lotus Position in the center. It was good that all the sects were here, including Lan Qiren. He will know for sure, why I am the demon he says I am.

"Activate it!" I yelled.

Jiang Cheng stood by the array, "are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, now do it," I replied.

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