Chapter 18: Head Over Heels

Start from the beginning

Payal looks down and smiles, the bridal glow adding to her demure beauty.

Everyone except for Khushi laughs at the teasing statement. Her eyes suddenly well up before she can control her emotional response. Just as she is about to wipe the tear rolling down her cheek, a handkerchief appears before her.

She knows who it is even before their eyes meet, steadying herself to be greeted by the man who now encompasses all of her days and nights. When her gaze finally lands on him, his expression holds a trace of something she wishes desperately to give a name to.

Arnav watches her watch him for a while. When she doesn't take the handkerchief from him, he raises his hand to her cheek, softly wiping away the remnants of the tear. Awareness along with embarrassment kicks in within Khushi, first for letting tears flow at a moment when everyone else is so happy, and now for staring this way at him.

"Actually, I-"

"Khushi, I understand. It's your sister's wedding, she's leaving your house, and you'll miss her. I completely understand,"

He does understand. Ever since her accident something had shifted within her Arnav ji, who now openly displays his affections, empathies, and kindnesses. He is, to her, her knight in shining armor. Her Rajkumar. His actions have told her all that she needs to know, but her heart still years to hear the words she has been waiting for.

"Khushi ji! Why are you crying? Come on, no tears Pushpa!" NK laughs at his own corny joke, earning a small giggle from Khushi and an eye roll from Arnav. Before she can respond, Arnav cuts in, the sight of his cousin reminding him of the traumatizing conversation he had earlier with his Nani and Di.

"NK, not now. Khushi – I need to talk to you,"

She looks at him curiously. "Yes?"

His gaze softens, and so does his tone. "Not here. Come with me,"

Looking around at their families, Arnav holds her hand when he realizes they are busy talking amongst themselves. Ignoring Khushi's protests and NK's bewilderment, Arnav whisks her away upstairs towards his room.

NK watches with his mouth open, before snickering to himself. NK, mere bhai, it's time to execute 'Mission Khushi ji and Nannav!'

"Arnav ji! Arnav ji what are you doing? Someone could see us!"

Letting go of her hand unwillingly, he raises an amused eyebrow. "Why Khushi? It's not like we're doing anything... scandalous,"

Her cheeks immediately redden at the reply and his characteristic smirk, suddenly struggling for air as he takes a few steps closer. For a second Arnav almost forgets why he wanted to talk to her in the first place. Deciding to show some mercy, he restrains from coming any closer for now.

"Do you know what conversation I had with Di and Nani a couple of hours ago?"

Khushi's eyebrows scrunch up, blinking innocently. "What?"

Arnav crosses his arms exasperatedly. "Nani and Di talking about how nice of a pair you and NK make,"

"KYA?!" (What?!) Khushi's eyes form perfectly round, shocked circles.

"Yeah. This is what all of this flirting has resulted in so I hope you're happy," Arnav purses his lips and turns away, his jaw hardening from annoyance.

Khushi puts her hand on his shoulder and forces him to face her in a bold move, making him secretly satisfied at her anger. "Happy? Why would I be happy?! Hey Devi Maiyya this is all your fault! You challenged me to go ahead and flirt with him. I'm not interested in him!"

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