
190 8 1

September, 2013

Ten turned around after hearing loud whistle, then he smiled seeing his best friend who waved at him few seconds later. "Long time no see." Taeyong shouted running to Ten and hugging him tightly.

"It's not my fault you decided to leave..."

"You know my mother wanted us to rest from father. It was good after all." Taeyong sighed looking at the ground and the other boy knew this already. Taeyong's family didn't have easy live but anyways they were happy.

"It's fine." he smiled and grabbed his elbow pulling him to the school. "Now let's go or we will be late. I can already feel mr. choi's eyes on us." he said then shook his head trying to get rid of this view from his head.

Taeyong chuckled then smirked. "Look he is already staring at us." he pointed at the old man waiting for students to enter the school ground, looking at the watch on his wrist. "Shit I swear it can't be worse." Ten complained looking away and hoping the man wouldn't notice them. They were sure he was just couldn't wait to close the gate in front of their faces with a mean smile.

"Well, well well... Should I be happy you decided to show up just before the first bell?" he asked making them stop. Taeyong smiled sweetly, inside shaking. "Mr, Choi you see... We just rescued little kitty on the road. You see? over there." he explained while pointing at the most random place and Ten took a deep breath nodding fastly. "That's true. Little white kitty." he said trying to sound more convincingly but the older boy hit his slightly to shut up.

"You really think I will believe in this? I'm not stupid." the old man placed a hand on his forehed and both boy were about to flee but fortuntely someone made mr. Choi to look behind them.

"Give it back Johnny Suh!" they heard one of the boy who stomped on his feet red from anger. The other, mentioned boy just laughed running away with a backpack in his hand, waving it. The thing probably belonged to the boy who was shouting. "I said give it to me or I will haunt you!" the boy repeated.

"God, this kid again." the old man said heading to them forgetting about Taeyong and Ten. "Finally." Taeyong sighed with his hand on his chest glad he avoided punishment for the first day.

But Ten...

Ten ignored him still observing the boy who stole the backpack and now was running around the tree in front of school.

He couldn't hide his smile, that's why Taeyong was ready to tease him. "Oh, young love..." he embraced his friend who blushed looking away. "Shut up maybe hm..." he said and walked away pretending to be mad. But the truth was he was just to shy to be near Johnny.


Ten sighed closing the book he was reading. It was too boring to stop his thoughts anyway. He stood up letting his blanket fall on the floor then he headed to the glass table and took in his hand the glass filled with red wine.

He looked at the liquid then took a sip of it looking around his flat. It was already evening so he could have gone to sleep but he didn't want to. After thinking for a while he got into conclusion the party wouldn't be that bad but he already reject the offer he was given by his friend.

Stupid Ten.

Doyoung would have been mad hearing Ten refused to take part in this party, filled with so many well-known and rich people. Well, he was too tired to think about this now. The opportunity was gone anyways.

He put empty glass back on the table and headed to terrace taking the blanket from the floor and covering his body with it. It was nice to look at the city in the evening where everything was silent and dark except the shiny buildings. After all it was nice to live so high.

"At least I have some time for myself..." he sighed, bored but he was interrupted by his phone. He answered then rolled his eyes. "Yes Taeyong? Do you need something?" he asked resting his chin on his palm while his elbow was resting on the terrace railing. "Yes, Indeed, I am very busy." he responded but then he frowned after hearing what Taeyong said. "No I don't. Don't you have a man to take care of? Stop minding my business Tae." he said feeling anger than hung up. He knew he shouldn't be mad at his friend but he couldn't help it.

"I can't believe he is still talking about that." he chuckled coming back to his apartment and closing the terrace door to prevent from cold. "Or maybe he is right?" he whispered to himself.

But he was once again interrupted by his phone. Without looking he answered ready to argue with Taeyong again. "What now?" he asked angrily but then he widened his eyes. "Sorry Doyoung you know me." he tried to sound nice but he wasn't in mood to talk about the party right now. He knew his friend was mad he left him alone again but it wasn't his fault. He just didn't feel like going there.

"I promise I will go next time." he said just to make Doyoung feel better. "Then tell him I will be next time, or give him my number..." he rolled his eyes when he found out some photoghrapher wanted to talk with Ten. It was sure great opportunity but the thing was... he didn't want that. He didn't need the fame and more so called friends from famous world.

"I don't know Doyoung tell them I'm sick or something. Just come up with something, I know you can do that. I gotta go, bye." he said and ignored the other boy. He threw his phone on the table and went to his room then his bed. "When will I finally be free?" he sighed closing his eyes while covering his body with duvet. "What did I thing getting myself into this? That's not what I wanted..." he complained looking at the celing in the darkness.

He was overthinking again.


First Love,, johntenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें