Alton Towers

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Phil's pov(DADZA):
I drove past the Alton towers sign and into the parking lot to find Y/n and Tommy on-top of their car doing the intro to the video.I pulled up next to them and beeped my horn so they knew i was here.Me and Wilbur got out and help the two down before walking into the theme park.Tommy immediately ran off while Y/n is chasing him,poor boy is only 5'7.I started laughing as i caught up to the two and we started going towards a ride.Tommy and Wilbur got on whilst i film with Y/n we then hear some sort of singing
Philza:are they singing?
They simply just shrug their shoulders as the ride stops.a child runs past us and towards their dad saying
Child:i loved it i loved it
Tommy:how are we miserable and that child is screaming i loved
I just laughed as we walked back towards the main parkway.
Y/n's pov:
I walked past a giftshop with Wilbur and we overheard Tommy talking to Phil about cotton candy but Phil wouldn't let him have any.Me and Wilbur bought some and as Wilbur gave it to Tommy i just bought some skittles and got a slushy.I looked back over at the group and saw Tommy looking so happy.He hasn't been that happy for all i've seen.He's always stressing over everything but i can't help but feel bad for him i mean our dad leaves then expects forgiveness and we never see mum cause of work anymore.Its really just us two when there isn't days like these.I sneak past the camera and gives Wilbur back his wallet
Y/n:thanks for paying for my skittles and the slushy i really appreciate it
Wilbur:since when did you have my wallet?
Y/n:Since you left the shop to give Tommy the cotton candy
Wilbur:OI! You little shit come here
He starts chasing me around the park while Phil watches Tommy.We bumped into a couple people but i'm just trying not to Die.It feels i've been running for 1 second before i get hoisted up over his shoulder,i should've known i couldn't outrun him
Wilbur:its ok not mad never mad you can steal my money anytime
Y/n:really!thanks Wilbur
Wilbur:anytime now we have the smiler to go on now
We walk back up to Tommy and Phil as i start recording again.When i record i don't talk so they think i'm Ash but i really am not.I'm scared of the internet knowing that i exist so i normally film and not talk.We get on the smiler and Tommy is screaming by now.I'm enjoying the view and the wind hitting my face as Tommy clinged onto Phils arm in front of me.The ride was soon over and we left the park,we were just sitting at the cars not recording for a good 10 minutes
Tommy:Thanks Wilbur for the sugar rush
Y/n:yea he's lucky i have a license and your not driving
Wilbur:very lucky
Philza:Anyway thanks for inviting us mate i still have to drive Wilbur home and make dinner
Y/n:yea we have to go pick up Ranboo
Wilbur:oh god this should be funny
Tommy:hey we're very normal people
Phil:whatever you say mate welp bye
We say our goodbyes and me and Tommy start driving towards the airport.I plug my phone into the Aux and play a couple of songs before we arrive at the airport.I go inside with Tommy and tell security that i'm waiting for a friend,they let us in and i go towards baggage claim before i see a tall 6'6 man in a onesie people a ONESIE.He runs up to Tommy doing a little dance and they hug for a quick second before he turns to me
Tommy:this is brotherinnit Y/n
Ranboo:um hi-
He shakes my hand then slowly just holds it we are staring at each other even though i'm not good with eye contact
Tommy:ok not to ruin the moment but its 7:00pm and i'm hungry so lets go
He practically drags us out of the airport and Ranboo puts his bags in the back
Tommy:So bossman Ranboo how was the flight
Ranboo:long but good,very jet lagged
Tommy:we have a guest bedroom that Tubbo uses whenever he comes over so you can use that
Ranboo:Ok thanks so what's for dinner
Tommy:you choose i make it
Y/n:uh no i will be making dinner there will be no fires tonight
Ranboo:has there been a fire before
Tommy:sadly yes on the bright side it never burnt the house down
Ranboo:yalls should let me cook
Me and Tommy look over at him
Ranboo:what?did i say something
Y/n:yea like you can cook food
Tommy:you once made a cake with 3 tubs of icing on it
Y/n:thats a lot of icing!
I say now looking at Tommy
He screams i immediately look back to the road and swerve as i see i'm in the wrong lane.I was about to hit a car when i just barely missed it
Y/n:No i would never
And i winked at him
Tommy:ew stop flirting
Ranboo:never!anyway back to the dinner situation maybe we can have some chinese food
Y/n:i would have to invite Tubbo over he gets jealous whenever we have it without him
Tommy:i need Tubbo for a stream anyway so i'm down
Y/n:Ok somebody order it i'll pay
Ranboo:No i'll pay save your money
Y/n:yea and you can save your shit put your card away
I say sternly,using my dad voice has worked for everybody and it seems to have worked cause he put his card away and took mine.
Tommy:i texted Tubbo and apparently he already is in the house
Y/n:i'm so surprised
I say sarcastically.We soon arrive home and walk into the kitchen
Tubbo:i already brought the chinese food here
Tommy:i can already see your eating it as well
I chuckle a little as i grab my plate.I head over to the living room with everyone else and we ate while playing mario kart.I won the first two rounds and this was the last round
Tommy:thats for last time dickhead!
I was in second behind Ranboo then i hit him with a banana and i won the last round as well
Ranboo:you little-
He starts chasing me and i run until he picks me up and runs around the backyard with me.I laugh so hard my stomach hurts,he puts me down and lays on the ground.Me and him were practically best friends even though we only met so long ago and i wouldn't trade that for the world.

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