She eyes me for a few seconds, this time it was her turn to take me in as well. I could see her irises move between each feature as she bit her lip before nodding her head slowly. "Yeah, they do. They're out in the backyard. I'll go get them," she mutters, her voice euphonious and intoxicating.

Smiling softly, I nod my head, subconsciously telling her to take her time.

She eyes me again before leaving the door and heading back into the home, leaving the door open. I glance into the home, wondering if she was inviting me inside. But I decide to stay out as she hadn't verbally allowed me inside.

Sighing, I bite my lip. Who is she? I couldn't help but frown as I think about Jamie. It would be disappointing if she was his girlfriend or wife. I can't help but feel jealous at the thought.

I'm brought from my thoughts again as I hear voices heading my way. "Did you ask who she was?" A masculine voice gets closer to the door. I could hear the woman from earlier speaking.

"Uh— No. I was... distracted," she mutters softly.

The door widens, revealing three faces. The woman from earlier glances at me before parting ways, leaving two familiar faces with me. I can't help but smile softly as I glance at the older man and woman standing in front of me.

"Is there something we can help you with dear?" the woman questions, eyeing me. My smile widens as I let out a breath, a sense of happiness washing over me. Though neither recognized me, I couldn't help but feel at home standing in front of them. "Aunt Phoebe, it's been so long," I mutter.

Her salt-and-pepper eyebrows raise as she eyes me. Uncle Evan frowns beside her as he pulls his wife back protectively. "Who are you?" he questions, brows knitting together in confusion.

I glance at him, "Callie Lawrence, or as you used to love calling me Carmella Jean!" I mutter, suddenly remembering spending the night here with Melani and Jamie. The good ol' days.

Uncle Evan's brows raise as he and Aunt Phoebe stare at me in disbelief. "Carmella? As in Lawrence? Carmella Lawrence?" Aunt Phoebe questions as she places her hand on her chest. Almost immediately her perplexed expression is switched to one of happiness.

To my surprise, she isn't the first one to pull me into a warm embrace. I smile softly as I wrap my arms around Uncle Evan, realizing this is what I had been missing for 16 years. This. Them. Home.

Once the two hug me, I'm pulled into the home. Aunt Phoebe pulls me into the living room, sitting me down as she heads into the kitchen as she always did when we were younger. "It's so good to see you again. We hadn't heard from you since you left, we were worried about you," Uncle Evan mutters, sitting in the recliner chair.

Frowning, I nod my head. "I'm sorry that I left so abruptly."

Evan shakes his head. "It's okay. You may not have wanted to tell us but I knew your parents were dictating your life. I know you had no control over what happened all those years ago. But all that matters is that you're back," he smiles softly.

Aunt Phoebe comes back to us with a glass of her homemade lemonade that I fell in love with 30 years ago. Smiling, I take the glass from her hand and immediately take a sip, feeling rejuvenated as the cold liquid flows down my throat. "How are you? How have you been?" the older woman questions as she sits beside me.

I set the glass down and begin telling them how life had been for me for the past few years. We talk and talk and talk until the sound of the front door opening grabs our attention away from each other. I had been anticipating meeting Logan again. So when I heard the door open all I could think about was her.

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