Someone hugged me though. Maverick's expression changed to something like worry or shock. He almost stepped forward but held back once he saw who it was.

"I love you."

Oh my god. "I love you too but I thought you couldn't make it."

"I lied." Kyra said and she still hadn't let me go. She was beyond drunk. Since I was spun to face a different direction, I was able to see who else was there. Wren wore a short yellow dress that only went down to the middle of her thighs. Her shoulders were bare. Her hair was chopped a little shorter than last time I'd seen her. She didn't wear a lot of makeup, not that she needed to. She was just sitting sideways on her stool smiling kindly at this.

Andrew was also sitting sideways but he was on the opposite side of Wren. He wore a light blue shirt with most of the buttons unbuttoned. It was enough to show off plenty of his chest. What a fine chest it was! His eyes looked a little glazed over, like Wrens.

Steve was also there. Steve was also hugging Kyra from behind to hug me as well. It would have been awkward without Kyra there. I saw Maverick just to my left shift and lean forward towards the bar.

"Don't be mad," Kyra said. She still hadn't let go. "I told him one of your favorite drinks." I tried to look appalled but she wouldn't be able to see it.

Steve had let go. He wore a light brown beanie and dress shirt with a loose tie. "We're just getting started. We're heading to Delilah's. Bar hopping. Oh joy.

"Am I late?" If things had gotten this wild already...

"No? We were just early." Kyra finally let go too. "You're not mad right?"

"Nope." This time I was the one who hugged her. She seemed surprised. I looked over towards the others, "What did you give her?"

"Vodka," Both Wren and Steve said together.

I was going to have to keep a very special eye on her tonight. The woman had projectile vomited in places that I could never explain. I guided her back to her seat, well what I thought was her seat. A curly haired blonde woman had just vacated it by the brick wall. Kyra just smiled at everything.

Someone had asked behind me, "Have I missed anything?"

"Ryker!" Kyra shot right out of her seat and gave out another hug.

I felt a tad alarmed but also relieved. Ryker looked like he had just gotten off work too minus the sweat. He just wore a plain white shirt. His blonde hair looked like he had run his fingers through it one too many times. There was a soft smile on his lips with a knowing glance.

"Vodka," we both said to each other in unison.

Maverick carefully stepped around Ryker to bring me my drink. He seemed like the most sober of us all. I had a feeling that was the intention. I made a quiet note to myself to not get too wasted. Besides, I had a preference to drink at home or at a close friend's house with no intention of going anywhere else. I'd heard too many horror stories that weren't just about drunk driving. Like when Kyra was with friends out in New Orleans. They were all pretty drunk out of their minds but they had no idea that they were being followed. Kyra wasn't the only one who was a victim of pickpocketing.

Some caution can go a long way, Kyra said sometime after that incident.

I took a careful sip, knowing how risky it could be when not getting a drink yourself, but I trusted Maverick. If he had any such history, Thom would have found out about it. I learned early, never underestimate Thom. He even cautioned me against my ex.

Maverick leaned back against the wall with a bottle of mineral water. He sipped gingerly as he took in a crowd of very rowdy people near the front entrance. I could see how he got his previous job working as security. He was able to watch without letting anyone know that he was watching.

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