"I'm very sorry, but I'm not feeling very well, so will you just leave me alone?" I say, quietly.

He shakes his head. "I'm afraid not. Not before I have had a chance to explain myself anyway."

I laugh at his response. It sounds hollow to me. "Explain? What is there to explain? You were very clear. Heat of the moment. A dashing fellow like you, how many times have you used that excuse on maidens tripping over their skirts to have you? Am I just another? Do you--"

"Belle," Graham says my name in an exasperated tone, "I promise, just let me explain, and I will leave you alone to your heart's content. That is all I ask of you."

I frown and open the door, allowing him to come inside. After checking outside to see if Laura is anywhere close, I shut it behind him.

I turn around, barely being able to see Graham's silhouette in the moonlight shining through my window.

He gives an awkward chuckle. "Belle? Shouldn't we light a lantern or some-"

I cut him off. "I'm fine how it is now, thank you," I say icily, "now, what were you saying about explaining?"

I can't quite make out his face in the darkness, but I can all but imagine the confused expression he must have on his face right now. After a long pause, he sighs.

"Belle, those words... I've regretted them ever since I said them. It isn't like that with you, I swear on my life. You are different from any other woman I have ever encountered, and at the time, I just believed..... no, I knew that you deserved somebody better than I. You should have somebody who can provide you with everything you could ever want, and suffice to say that I," he says, gesturing to his patched up clothes, "cannot. I wanted to do what was best for you, and turning you away meant you would have eventually met some prince from a far off land that could shower you in possessions almost as beautiful as you are. You are absolutely breathtaking, Belle, and kinder than anybody I have ever known. And while I may be selfish in telling you all this now, i do not have a single reg-"

He does not have time to finish when my feet move forward of their own volition and I press my lips onto his. He tenses immediately, but just as quickly relaxes, and soon enough his hands are wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer and closer. This is much like the first time, except when he starts to pull away, I keep a fiercer hold on him and deepen the kiss. I have no idea where all these pent up emotions came from...... wasn't I supposed to hate him? What am I doing?

All such thoughts slip away when I feel his hands hesitantly untying the back of my dress. I breathlessly break the kiss to look up at him, only to already find him looking down at me, a familiar emotion in his eyes, highlighted by the moonlight. One I haven't seen in a long time.

"Belle, I love you," he whispers, pressing his forehead against mine, dress strings forgotten for now. "I love you, and I feel terrible for loving you, because you deserve the world. I am a wretched human being, but... will you have me?" he finishes, eyes closed, anticipating an answer.

I gape at him, trying to formulate a sentence. Graham... loves me?

"Truly?" I ask quietly. His face sags with relief.


Before I know it, my lips are back on his, the kiss much more intense than it was before. His fingers deftly finish off the last of my dress strings, and I let it fall off of my shoulders, leaving me in nothing but my sheer under-gown. I walk backwards with him until the back of my knees hit my bed, and as I fall back onto it I pull him on top of me, gazing into his eyes, finally murmuring the words I have wanted to tell him for so long.

"I love you, too."


The night consists of shed clothing and heated kisses, though nothing too serious. I fall asleep with my back against his chest and his arm protectively around me, and the rest is history.

Queen's POV, The Cottage

The morning after Graham followed Belle up the stairs, they both come down with ridiculous smiles on their faces and a newfound brightness in their eyes, which can only mean one thing- they're together. Ugh. Another boring case of true love. This, however, should make for interesting material to add into my plan... It is almost time for them to be moving on, and when they do, my scheme will be put into action. This development should make it all the easier. I simply love killing two birds with one stone. Or, in better terms- love birds.

"Good morning. Sleep well, my dears?" I ask sweetly, trying to mask my disgust at how cheesy they look.

They both blush profusely and look in different directions, Belle only managing to squeak a "Yes!" and Graham nodding rapidly.

I somehow manage to keep my expression from souring. "Well, that's lovely to hear. Graham, would you mind picking some wild berries like you promised you would yesterday? I'm running dangerously low, and I know how much Belle loves them," I add with a smile.

"I- uh- yes. I'll be right back," he says, his fingers lingering on the small of Belle's back, before he grabs the empty fruit basket by the door and heads out.

Wow. They are terrible at this.

"You can just relax, dear," I say, turning to Belle. It is too late for breakfast and too early to start lunch, so you can go ahead and read in your room if you would like."

She smiles brightly, quickly heading upstairs and closing the door behind her.

This plan will turn out to be much easier than I previously believed.

Belle's POV, The Cottage

I am picking out a book from the trunk of them Laura keeps in the guest room when I hear it.

....beautiful.......and your smile.......love......

The words sounded muffled, and they weren't coming from outside. They were coming from behind me. I turn, only to find myself facing the mirror. The very same mirror I used to try to talk to Rumplestiltskin my first day here.

......miss you.........our cup.......so long........

It couldn't be. Could it?

"....Rumplestiltskin?" I call softly to the mirror, my fingers tracing the delicate designs on the frame.

The sounds silence. Then they resume, weaker than before.

.....mind playing tricks again.........shame........belle..........

Then, they silence completely.

"Rumplestiltskin?" I repeat, "hello?"

What is going on?

~* YYYYYEEEEAAAAAHHHHH THE NEW CHAPTER!!! Finally, right?! Leave feedback and votes pleeeease I would love to know what you guys think or what you want to see happen! :) *~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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