Bad Weather

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A/N: Imma skip 'A hero is born' becuase i want to get to the story in full swing. Sorry guys. Also I might get Lazy on some parts so it will just be dialog.   :3

Catra's POV: We were all on Sandy's boat, just chillin' with Mo on my lap, not doing anything but watching the T.V and petting the blue kitty until I see the news talk about DBK's attack.

"And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last weeks devastation was caused by the the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorites warn citizens on...."

I stopped listening after a while because I got bored, I put Mo down as got up from the couch and made my way to MK and Mei when I heard MK say "And I was Like 'Stop there, Demon Bull King' and DBK was like 'You can't stop me! I'm crazy!' And then I grabbed my staff, and woosh! I created this giant mech!"

Mk then slams the staff into the ground caused a pipe to break and spray water "Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK." commented Mei

"Oh, geez!" MK shouted as he ran around trying to fix it

I starting laughing at his attempts "Hahahaha, MK just leave it. It's not that bad of a leak so it should be fine. Right Tang?" I looked over at tang. He was about to answer while still staring at the T.V until Pigsy came in and said or more like yelled "I've just pulled a quadruple shift at . And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!"

"Oh, Piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone." Tang replied while sliping his beloved noddles. "Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody." Mk chimed in. "Honestly MK with all the time you miss sleeping in or missing deliveries, you basically have more time off than actual work" I shared with an amused smirk

Mk puffed his cheeks about to reply until he heard Sandy Shout "Look out!" we look up and see a big container fall off the hook heading towards us. Thanks gravity. We all screamed and ran out of the way, all of us execpt MK.

"Kid!" "MK!" Me and Pigsy yell while everyone else was frozen.....

"I... am... invincible!" MK yells as he breaks through it

Mei Yells out a "Yeah!" while pigsy face palms and I take deep breaths to try and clam my heart rate down. "Mk I love you but, don't give me a heart attack dude. geez.." I exasperate

"Look, MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's powers and all, It don't mean-" Pisy started st scoled until he saw Mei

Me, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy collectivity "Gasp"

While holding up the bazooka says "MK! How about... this?" I get up and run towards her before she using that thing she pulled out from nowhere was too late. Mei launches a bazooka missile towards MK.

"I am invincible!" MK yells again as the smoke cleared

My patiences was starting the thin. I put mu hand on Mk's shoulder causing him to turn towards me "Look dude, you're a superhero now. But you're stll going to need-" I started to say until Mei butts in "A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys!" I look to her "What? No, what I was trying to say was-"

"To the Sea-Crate...Base! She enthusiastically says while opening the elevator and cutting me off...again!

We all follow her in getting squished in the tiny space in the process

Mei: Welcome to our new team base!

MK: Mei, when did you make this?

Pigsy: How did you make this?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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