Joe Biden x Fyodor part 2

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Part 2 of part 2 joe biden x fyodor

"What does Donald Trump have anything to do with me?" Joe Biden lowers his eyes to the floor in disbelief. "Joe-" "WHO IS DONALD TRUMP!?" Joe Biden interrupted Fyodor. "Well, he's a.." Fyodor breaks eye contact with Joe, lost at his words."I loved you Fyodor, we've been together for 4 years. How could you?!?" Joe Biden said out, shrieking on the top of his lungs. He looked at Fyodor with teary eyes, "I was going to propose today." Fyodor's heart sinks, he was in a pool of guilt. "I.." Fyodor looks at Joe Biden one last time, and runs out the door."Where are you going?!" Joe Biden chased after Fyodor. Fyodor ran and ran, trying to escape from everything. Fyodor ran out to the road, not taking a second to check if there was any cars. "Fyodor! Watch out!" Joe Biden yelled out. "FYODOR!" He yelled loudly as Fyodor was hit by the car.


"When will I be getting the rest of the money?"
Said Trump."In about 2 more weeks." Trump looked at Biden."Well, I still have a lot of people hiring me, and a plan like this? It's really expensive and the probability of it succeeding is 50%.Either he dies or ends up in the-"
"I know" Biden cut Trump off. " But I have your whole family as hostages. If you mess up even one thing i'll kill them in front of you. So it better succeed." Biden threatens Trump."Wait- My FAMILY? When did you even-"
"I'll talk to you next time Trump. I'm busy."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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