○Chapter Ten○

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(21 years ago...)

I woke up to rocks hitting my window. Groaning he sat up. What the fuck Dalton it's 6 pm. I groaned. Dalton sniffled and looked at Demetri. My brother was kidnapped yesterday and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I sobbed. The shock of the situation woke him straight up. What! You gotta be joking right? I gasped while helping Dalton through my window. Sadly no I saw everything and I couldn't do anything to save him I was too weak and my father didn't even attempt to stop them, he just stood there and growled. Dalton sobbed quietly. "I'm sorry Dalton... I whispered while rubbing his fluffy back. After about thirty minutes of ugly sobbing and screaming Dalton stood up and snarled. I vow to find and kill all the demons responsible for kidnapping my Laèli Sèwani! Dalton snarled with such venom that it even scared me for a second. How are you gonna do that? I asked. I mean it's not like we can walk into the Hunters Guild and ask for a monster-slaying listens. I gasped. That's exactly what I'm doing, I'm gonna be the first cryptid monster slayer! Dalton boomed with pride. Well If you're gonna do that then I will too! I hummed with prideful vigor. Let's make a blood oath. Dalton hummed. A-A blood oath!? I gasped in shock. Aren't those dangerous? I gasped. Not if you do one the right way. Dalton hummed. Alright, let's do a blood oath then. I hummed. The blood oath will break as soon as we complete our goal. Dalton hummed. One question Dalton. Hm? What is that? Dalton hummed. How will you sign up for the Hunters Guild? I doubt they would let a cryptid join their ranks let alone a wendigo, I asked inquisitively. Fair point Demetri how will I sign up? I guess I'll tell them I want to save my brother who has been kidnapped by demons, or I could lie and tell them I'm human. Dalton hummed to me. Well, we better rush over before sign-ups close. I hummed. We walked down the hall and greeted my father on the way out. Where are you boys going at such a late hour? Oh, Mr. Corwell, we're signing up for the Hunters Guild, we're gonna become monster hunters! We boomed with pride and vigor. Dallas teared up and smiled. My baby boy is gonna be a hunter like his old man! Dallas Cried. Ugh, Dad don't embarrass me like that! I groaned in embarrassment. As for you Dalton I can get you a pardon since I'm one of the five S-rank hunters. I'll also inform them of your brother's kidnapping and they will help you get him back no matter how long it may take. Dallas said with a smile. Dallas stood up grabbed his car keys walked the two boys to his car a 1999 Sedan and helped them get inside. Okay, let's go to the Guild. Dallas hummed. They drove for about fifteen minutes before reaching their destination. Here we are Piper Springs Hunters Guild. Dallas hummed. We walked up to the double doors and pushed them open. Walking into we gasped at the sheer size of the place. Wow, this place Is huge! We exclaimed. Yeah, I know right! Dallas hummed. There are fifty guilds one for each state. Dallas informed the boys. There is the Elkwood Hunter's Guild It's run by a medical examiner who is also an incubus, his name is Logan Ross. He's married to another man Lucas who is also an incubus they have three sons Lyn who is eight Luka who is four and a newborn named Lance. Dallas hummed. Ooo, that sounds interesting Dad. Demetri hummed. Now let's walk up to the front desk. Dallas chirped. Once at the desk, a man with a tattoo of a black pentagram with a sun in the center of it greeted them. Hello, Dallas It's been a few weeks how are you, sons and daughter? Oh, Jaxson they're doing fine my youngest son and his friend want to sign up for the Guild. Oh, that's lovely yet another new generation to train, Jaxson said clapping his hands. Boys This Is Jaxson Clay he's a mage and a hunter too, and he'll be signing you two up, Dallas said with a smile. Hey, Dad wasn't my mom a witch? I asked. Yes, sweetie, she was I'm also a mage too and since witches and mages are more related to humans than they are monsters we are essentially classified as humans with magic abilities. Dallas explained. Does that make us immortal then? I asked. Dallas sighed. Yes, we are essentially immortal in which we won't die from old age sickness or disease but we can still die if we are severely injured. Dallas explained. After everything was answered we were handed two forms which they quickly filled out. After Dallas specified that Dalton was a bestial wendigo which caused a little bit of a stir in the gathering hall he was pardoned by the Guild master under the circumstance of vowing to slay every demon responsible for his brother's kidnapping. After filling out the form. They were taken to the picture room so they could get their Hunter's license. After their photos were taken we grinned in excitement and hugged each other. Now let's get on with the blood oath! Dalton chirped giddily. Alright, walk me through it. I hummed. Dallas pulled out the blade that his dad had made for his tenth birthday and handed it to him. First, we swear upon what other god or entity we believe in then we cut our hands and then we shake them and we put our blood on this blood oath pact that I wrote and finally, we sign it and that's how it's done! I read the piece of paper that practically swore that they would find the demons responsible for kidnapping Misae and make them pay. Let's do this. I said grabbing the knife. Cutting his hand he then handed the blade over to Dalton who then cut his hand. After that, they put their blood on the pact and signed it then finally they shook hands. Suddenly a chain made out of blood sprouted out of the pact and wrapped around our arms sealing the blood oath. After the oath was we grinned and walked over to Dallas who was oblivious to the blood oath that had just been sealed and told him they were ready to leave. Smiling Dallas drove them home all the while the two boys thought of all the torment and pain they were gonna bring upon those bastards once they found them.

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