Game Night Catastrophe

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"Still haven't heard anything from Layla?"

Jordan looked up at Spencer, confusion written all over his face.

"What about?" He finally asked.

"About Liv!" Spencer replied, matter-of-factly.

"What about Liv?" Jordan asked again, immediately concerned about his sister's well being.

Spencer, quickly catching on to his negative train of thoughts, reassured him. "What I meant to ask was, what's wrong with her these days?" He spoke, clarifying his previous statement.

"I should be the one asking you that. She's your girlfriend!" Jordan reminded him.

"She's your sister!"

"Oh, you have not denied my statement this time. That's growth right there." Jordan joked.

Spencer paused for a second, pondering on Jordan's words.

"Wait... Do you think this could be the reason behind her behavior of the past week?"

"It wouldn't surprise me. Layla hasn't been able to say much about it, because everytime Liv knows I'm around she stays glued to her until I leave. I don't think she wants me to know what's going on either."

Spencer let out a defeated sigh he didn't know he had been holding onto. Since the ball game, Olivia had been absent minded and distant. They'd spend all of their nights in the same bed but would barely talk, with Olivia always pretending to be busy with something until he fell asleep.

Even though he had not been complaining, Spencer was having a hard time finding out the reason behind her sudden closed up attitude.

The boys were at the Beach House, waiting for the girls to join them for their monthly established game night, that had to be stopped at some point because of all the drama the friends group had been drowned into. The entire team was going to be gathered for the first time in months, which was bound to be great, considering that the two main protagonists of the Vortex were finally back together.

No a single awkward revelation was threatening to come out. Or so they thought.

Helping them set everything up, Asher inserted himself in the conversation.

"Spence, I think you're both in your heads way too much... Instead of trying to find out what's wrong through Jordan, why don't you try and talk to Liv. There's nobody who knows her like you do."

"That's what I thought... I'm not so sure these days."

"Come on, man! It's Olivia we're talking about. The girl who survived seeing you in two relationships when she was deeply in love with you, managed to be there for you as a friend, went through so much heartbreak and still took a chance on your relationship... This is nothing compared to your history." Jordan analyzed.

Spencer knew better than to argue with these facts. There was obviously nothing that could break him and Olivia apart, except for themselves. They had spent so much time fighting for each other to just give up at the first obstacle.

The rest of the evening was spent prepping everything for the girls' arrival. For some reason, the night felt special to everyone.

Even the boys who were usually not the sentimental ones wanted everything to go according to plan. They all needed a stress free night.

"Hello, hello! We're here!" Patience exclaimed, happily strutting into the house.

She was one of those who were always excited about the group meeting up, because she loved gathering her friends, even for the smallest celebrations. The rest of the girls followed in, with each running to their respective boyfriend's arms, except for Spencer who could not see Olivia anywhere.

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