What Are We Exactly?

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Author's Note:

Hey, everyone! I know it's been a weird few of weeks with the show, and I wanted to let you know the decision I made regarding Billy's character. I think I'm gonna follow the show's storyline in that aspect, because it gives space for so much more to happen. I apologize in advance for those who didn't want that on here, but don't worry it won't be a whole chapter centered on how it happened, but more of the aftermath.

PS: I don't know when I'll write about it yet. It may be the next chapter or the one after. I'll figure it out and let you all know!

I'm also trying something new with this one, with no POV. Anyways, enjoy it! Xoxo 😘


Olivia woke up the next day and didn't find Spencer next to her, confirming that she was indeed just dreaming the previous night.

With the way she left their house yesterday she was certain that it would take him more than a day or two to gather himself up, before reaching out to her.

As much as she knew she had played her part in it, she still believed that she didn't deserve the cold shoulder treatment.

Plus, she missed Spencer already.

Someone knocked at her bedroom door, making her turn around swiftly.

"Come in... Hey, Coop."

Olivia sat up on her bed and tried taming her rebellious hair, to look a bit more presentable.

"Are you well rested?" Coop asked.

"Uhm... yes, I think so. I'm just going to hit the shower and come down. What's up?" Olivia quizzed.

"Nothing. Just get ready and join us downstairs for breakfast. We're waiting for you."

"Oh... Okay."

Coop nodded her head and left the room. Olivia drew a breath then stood up to go get ready for breakfast. Knowing that the girls were waiting for her made her rush, so she just had time to quickly clean up, tie her hair in a messy high bun and change into clean clothes before heading downstairs.

The good aroma coming from the kitchen was magical enough to make her forget her worries. She made her way to the terrace where the noise and smell were coming from, excited to spend some quality time with her girls.

"Hey, Baby."

Spencer appeared behind the glass doors, smiling at her. She stopped in her tracks and blinked twice to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Spencer had a habit of appearing to her sometimes, whenever she missed him a lot.

"He's real, girl!" Patience shouted from outside.

That was when Olivia realized that the man she loved was actually standing before her. Her expression said it all and Spencer could not help but to grin back at her. He was glad to see that his plan had worked.

"Follow me"

He gently pulled her towards the table where their friends were gathered around breakfast. Olivia was impressed, to say the least. She looked up to her friends and smiled gratefully.

Layla catching the sweet moment decided to snap a photo of them and send it to Olivia later. She surprised herself sometimes at how comfortable she had gotten around their couple these past few years. They had come a long way.

All of this was all the more reasons for Spencer and Olivia to work on their relationship in a positive direction. They had not sacrificed so much for them to just abandon mid-way.

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