"Rese, you mind if I stay here? I don't want him to be alone right now".

I asked pulling him into the kitchen.

"It's cool, I know he goin through it right now. I'll bring you some food back".

I smiled thanking him and going up to my room.

"Aye, where you goin? We out".

"Oh, I'm staying. Rese said it was ok".

His face fell as he spoke with an attitude.

"I know you ain't stayin for that nigga".

"Messiah, he needs somebody right now. Can we not do this"?

"Me? Can you not do this"?

"He don't need you to watch over him, he don't even need to be here honestly"!

He raised his voice getting more pissed by the second.

"You need to let this nigga go, you don't need to be around him".

"He fuckin crazy, abusive, mental, and a fuckin stalker"!

"You really want this nigga to stay in yo life"!?

I looked down playing with my fingers then back up to him.

"It's not like that Messiah, I swear it's not".

He bent down so we were eye level before speaking.

"You promised me you wouldn't leave me, you said we could work through this".

"I won't, and we can work through this".

He was silent for a moment just staring into my eyes.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you love me and would never let him fuck up what we got".

I grabbed his face looking back into his eyes.

"I love you Messiah, I would never let him come between us".

"I love you so much Messiah".

He stared a little longer before looking at my lips.

I looked down at his and leaned in connecting them.

He grabbed my neck causing me to moan into his mouth and melt in his arms.

He pulled away licking my bottom lip and bringing me closer to him.

"Imma marry you one day".

He kissed my forehead and walked out leaving me there smiling like a dumbass.

Later that night

I was laying down scrolling and laughing at tiktoks then heard a knock on my door.

"Come in".

Se'Kani walked in closing the door behind him and laid down next to me.

"You ok, you need anything"?

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