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Haechan was completely stressed by the massive amount of homework his English teacher gave him.

He's an hour in with his English homework and he stops to go downstairs.

He sees mark ready to go out somewhere.

"where are you going, mark?"

Haechan says full of curiosity, "a party, why don't you tag along?" Mark replies.

"I can't, I have so much homework it's stressing me out" haechan responds, "it'll be fine, how about this, after the party I help you with your homework okay?" Mark offers, haechan sighs but nods his head.

"Actually, I don't know if I can go. my hair hasn't been brushed, I'm still in my clothes from yesterday, and I have nothing good to wear." Haechan sighs, "let's go to your room, I'll help you pick something out, okay?" Before he could respond, he found himself getting dragged into his room in the matter of seconds.

Mark brushes his hair, puts slight makeup on his face and finds him something stylish but comfy for haechan to wear.

"How does it look?" Haechan asked, "it looks great on you, now come on, we're gonna be late" mark replies.

They both get into marks vehicle and haechan puts in his headphones.

Twenty minutes later haechan finds himself waking up to someone shaking him.

"Haechan, we're here, are you gonna wake up?" Mark says.

He finally sees haechan waking up and puts haechan on his back and they go into the party.

Haechan finally isn't half asleep anymore as realizes he's at the party, but he can't find mark.

He starts to get a little worried, he looks around to find mark hanging out with jeno.

Jeno and mark keep flirting with each other, making haechan jealous so he goes back to the couch he fully woke up on.

Jaemin finds haechan crying his eyes out.

"What happened, haechan?" Jaemin replied in a worried tone, "it's stupid so, don't worry about it" haechan replies while sniffing.

Jaemin allows haechan to cry into his chest, haechan finally stops crying and decides to explain his situation.

"Oh, jeno and mark are dating, you didn't know?" Jaemin says completely shocked. "Since when?" Haechan replied.

"They've been dating for a year now, haechan"

Haechan begins to tear up again in jaemins chest for a longer period of time.

One second haechan could remember himself crying into jaemins chest, the other he finds himself sitting alone.

Mark finds haechan sitting alone. "What are you doing haechan?" Mark asks, "Why are you with jeno?" He asks, leaving mark speechless.

"What do you mean?" Mark asks.

"If I'm going to be completely honest, I want to do it now. I've like you for two years and you go on and date someone who absolutely hates my guts? Do you even like me back? It doesn't matter anymore." Haechan says full of tears.

"Haechan please don't cry, who told you we were dating? Whoever it was is lying to you. Me and jeno are just really good friends, nothing more. Okay? And haechan, I like you too. so please don't cry anymore, it upsets me to see you like this." Mark replies, haechan cries into marks shoulder.

"Haechan let's go home and watch a movie, okay ?" Haechan nods.

They go home and haechan waits on the couch for mark to get back from the living room.

Mark comes back with a bunch of haechans favourite snacks.

They watch a movie and mark finds haechan falling asleep during it.

The end.

Kpop group: nct

Idols: haechan, Mark

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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