Chapter four

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                  *Savannah POV*
After walking a while I heard snoring so I peeked at (y/n) and seen she was sleeping. Smiling slightly I adjusted her on my back so she was more comfortable. Soon after I heard a rustle in the bushes. Looking over at the bushes I seen a teenage  male looking at me. He had a cut in smile as if to make it look like he was smiling forever. His skin was bleached and he was wearing a bloody hoodie accompanied by a bloody knife.  "Who are you" I asked only to get a deep, raspy chuckle back. "You know...your not supposed to be out here..little girl." He said before laughing madly which awoke (y/n). She gasped when she seen, the one and only, Jeff the killer. "But creepypasta are supposed to be fake, aren't they?!" (y/n) asked looking frightened.  "Oh we're real alright..and you..your just some fangirl that is cosplaying as Eyeless Jack.." He said looking disgusted at the fangirl part. "I am no fangirl" I snapped at him, venom dripping from every word. He growled before charging at me as I quickly put (y/n) high up in a tree were he wouldn't get her, as I then after did a front flip over Jeff. He looked shocked for a moment before he charged again, where as she merely grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him to the ground behind her. "Okay you are no human, so what the fuck are you?" He hissed at me. "I don't know what I am...what is that static I am hearing?"
I said as I  took (y/n) down from the tree before blacking out as I saw a tall faceless being.
                      *Timeskip next day*
I groaned as I woke up to the feeling of someone snuggling into my side. Upon further inspection I seen it was just (y/n). I quickly woke her up and pointed toward the door. Getting up I made sure she was behind me before opening the door and walking down the steps with (y/n) in tow. When we were down the steps I seen the male from before anda few others. *i'm not going to explain the  appearances* They noticed we were at the steps and said to go over to them. "child, Jeffery says that you earlier beat him in a battle, is this true?" "um yeah?"     

Creepypasta belong to owners and you belong to yourself.

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