The G.O.Ds are Crazy

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"So your saying the Sealed god tried to curse my dongsaeng just before he was sealed completely "

Alberu questioned getting a nod from Cage.

"And that it failed but also didn't because it did send part of his soul to another world."

Cage nodded again.

"Not only his but Roslyn, Choi Han, Clopeh, yours and mine as well"

Seeing her nod again Alberu sighed. Cale spoke after hearing all of this.

"So how does this effect us?"

"We're connected they will remember everything that we have been through, and we will see everything they will go through."

"But that not all is it"

Cage shook her head.

"Because our souls are divided if they die unnaturally part of our soul will break, as time passes our souls will eventually reconnect but even so...."

"And what does that b**tard god want"

Cale questioned.

"He wants permission to make certain changes to your body on that end, to let the children follow you or something "

"And why would I want to do something that would put them in danger"

Cage paused a second her expression say she wanted to curse something.

"Because even if you don't agree he will offer them a deal, and what he's offering now isn't a deal but an apology."

The room went quite.


"What did he say"

The god of Death had made a very big mistake.

"Fine he can make whatever changes he wants.."

Cale was calm, actually Cale was too calm.

"But he should know that was his last chance, if he messes up again, if those children get hurt..."

Truthfully Cale wasn't calm, however that didn't really matter.

'Apparently that dream wasn't really a dream '

All of them made preparations after hearing from Cage, the world they were going to moved at unusual pase, so there was no way of knowing when they would be brought there entirely.

Cale opened his eyes with a sigh, he glanced around the "play area" his "parents" had created.

'Though calling them creators might be more accurate '

Cale was currently five and living under the ID number C17. As far as Cale could tell he had been born into some sort of experiment, taking place in this world's version of Russia.

*C17 you have two hours to excape before the room runs out of oxygen *

The intercom chattered.

'They are trying to raise spys'

Cale thought his situation was rather like those American comics he had read back as Kim Roksu. He excaped with an 40 minutes still on the clock, an average time. It wasn't that he couldn't do better, but that it was better for him if he seemed average.

'After all I already stand out'

Cale thought as he filtted with his still blood red hair, and that wasn't the only problem...

'It might be more accurate to call myself a they, but..'

He was androgynous, perfectly so. He had all but fainted when he realized he was a hermaphrodites.

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