A night out

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Tom stared at her with disbelief. Did she just say two years?! Lee figured out Avery was just messing with Tom, due to the fact that he's so impatient. He looked her up and down as he sat up, his eyes stopping at her bottom.

Some nice looking bottom.

"I can wait 5 years for her. Can you?" Lee spoke and looked at his boyfriend who slammed his hand on his chest and was gasping wildly.

"You are both giving me a heart attack!" Tom whined and got off his bed, taking deep breaths. Lee and Avery stared at his overreacting, suddenly bursting into laughter.

"Did you see his face?!" She managed to say during her laughter as she bent over and held her stomach.

"I actually thought he was getting a heart attack!" Lee laughed along with her and fell off the bed yet again, the cause being him leaning backwards in the fit of laughter.

"So.. I don't have to wait 2 years?" Tom asked in a whisper and raised his left eyebrow, leaning closer to her so he could hear better. In the meantime, Lee crawled back on the bed, lying on his stomach and looking up at Tom and Avery.

"No. Just. A while." She smiled and stood up, fixing her shirt that got wrinkled when she was sandwiched between the two lovers.

"Wanna go on a date?" Lee asked in a whisper as he sat on the bed, hugging one of the expensive pillows.

"Hmm. Yes. Somewhere romantic and private." Tom nodded and started to think, rubbing his chin with his fingers.

"Where we could easily make out without people staring at us." Lee commented dreamily, staring off into space.

"Then I better leave to get ready for our date." Avery smiled and leaned down, pecking Lee's lips. Then she straightened herself and pecked Tom's lips, right before she left their hotel room to go home.

As she arrived home, she walked inside and went to check in the kitchen for any signs of Orlando coming home yet. The breakfast was still in the oven and it was 4pm now! She crumbled the note and threw it in the trash. Then she took the plate out and cut the waffles and bacon in little pieces. She walked in the backyard with the plate and a small bowl of milk. She set them down by the wall, near the door for any stray cat that was hungry. She always fed stray cats back at home, so she couldn't resist doing the same here.

After that, she hurried upstairs to get ready. On her bed, there was a note from Orlando. She picked it up and read it carefully, then crumpled it up and threw it away.

Dear Avery, I'll be gone for 2 days again. Another camping trip! Feel free to invite Lee and Tom over, to keep you company.

With love, Orlando

Avery scoffed and went into the bathroom. Gone for two days again. For a camping trip? Orlando was a great actor but a lousy liar. She will so interrogate him once he comes home.

She quickly pulled off her clothes and turned on the faucet. She almost always took baths with bath bombs and tonight will be no exception. Once the water level was high enough, she stepped in and laid back, relaxing a bit. But she relaxed too much and fell asleep.

Avery slowly opened her eyes and glanced at the old-fashioned clock near the sink.

"Hmm. 6pm." She mumbled and closed her eyes, planning to relax a bit. After a while, the realization kicked in and she gasped rising out of the water and stumbled on the floor.

"I'm gonna be late!" She screamed and dried her body and hair as fast as possible. She wrapped herself in a towel and hurried in her bedroom to find the dress she was planning to put on for her date. She finally found it and yanked it off the hanger. It was a short dark dress with long, laced sleeves. It was simple, just the way she liked it and knew they would like it too.

She easily slipped in the dress that thankfully had no zipper and put on her black stilettos. She decided on a light make up, just foundation, mascara a little bit of a dark brown shadow that went perfect with her blue eyes. Then she hastily turned on the hair dryer and dried her hair as fast as it was humanly possible. The curls were still frizzy a bit, but she successfully tamed them with a hair straightener. When she was done, there were only 10 minutes left, which she decided to spend watching 'Extreme couponing' on TLC. Damn, she loved that show.

The doorbell finally rang and she practically shot up from the sofa, turning off the tv. Before she answered the door, she checked herself in the mirror in the hallway and fixed her hair. When she was satisfied, she slowly opened the door and was greeted by smiling Tom and surprised Lee.

"You look. Amazing." Lee choked out. Avery blushed at his compliment and stepped out, locking the front door.

"He's not kidding. You're absolutely stunning." Tom grinned and took her hand as Lee took the other. He led her to his car and opened the back door for her. She sat in and he closed them, only then did Lee sit in the passengers seat and Tom in the drivers.

"You both look extremely handsome tonight." Avery whispered loud enough for them to hear.

"Thank you princess." Lee smiled and looked back at her, winking. She giggled and tried to hide her blush with her hands, but failed.

"Hey, I thought we agreed on calling her queen!" Tom said and raised his eyebrow at Lee.

"You bought the necklace, I decided on a cute nickname." Lee pursed up his lips and crossed his arms in protest.

"What necklace?" Avery asked, looking at the two men in the front seats.

"You ruined the surprise!" Tom whined and dramatically handed Lee a little jewelry box from Tiffany's.

"For you. From us." Lee smiled and handed Avery the box. She took it from his hands and opened it slowly, gasping at the gorgeous green gems glistening under the faint light of the sunset.

"It's gorgeous! I love it!" She exclaimed excitedly and took the necklace out of the box, holding it in her palm. In the meantime, Tom parked the car in front of a quite fancy restaurant. Lee held the door open for Avery, Tom locked the car and led them inside, where the hostess showed them into their private room.

There was a round table with three chairs around it. White curtains were draped over every wall and little lights were hanging above, giving the room warm and romantic feel.

Tom pulled out the chair for Avery and when she sat down, Lee carefully clasped the necklace around her neck. Waitress walked in and took their orders. It didn't go unnoticed that she tried to flirt with both, Lee and Tom. But they didn't even notice the desperate woman.

"Do you like it so far?" Tom asked, taking a sip of his beer. Lee watched her , his fingers wrapped around his glass of wine. Avery ordered ice tea, as she didn't drink alcohol.

"I'm loving it." She smiled and blushed yet again. They both took one of her hands in their own, kissing the back of her hand. She blushed even more and tried to hide it or push it away when the waitress came with their food.

Avery ordered spaghetti with cheese sauce, Tom ordered pork with potatoes and Lee ordered a lobster. The dinner went smooth, despite two incidents. Tom spilled his beer on his pants so it looked like he peed himself, while leaning over in an attempt to kiss Lee and Avery. He also toppled over his chocolate desert, which ended up on the floor.

Shortly after, they left and drove back home. As they stood in front of Avery's door, they pulled her into a tight embrace. Tom have her a gentle, passionate kiss while Lee rubbed her back, kissing her neck.

"Hey.. I was wondering if you'd like to stay over? Uncle left. Again." She shrugged and looked up at Lee and Tom, whom were smiling like two goofballs

Two Giants & A Little Lady | Tom Hiddleston, Lee PaceWhere stories live. Discover now