Busted, but not quite

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The next day, Avery woke up in her bed alone. Their clothes were gone and by the cold spots they slept on that night, she knew they got up a while ago. She got out of her bed, sleepily walking towards her door. As she got closer, she could hear faint shouting from downstairs. And 3 different voices. She gasped and rushed downstairs, still in her pajamas and bed hair.

"What's going on?" Avery groaned running her hands over her face. She was clearly still sleepy, not understanding a single thing that went on in front of her.

"I found these two in my kitchen, in their underwear!" Orlando shouted, pointing at Lee and Tom.

"We did not break in!" Tom defended himself and his boyfriend, glancing at Avery.

"Nothing even happened!" Lee shook his head, quickly shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Oh? Then explain why are you almost naked in my kitchen, while my niece is upstairs, asleep?!" He shouted, flailing his arms around.

"It was thundering in the morning and since Avery is scared of it, she called us. We got drenched in rain and Avery offered to dry our clothes and we offered to make her breakfast in bed and let her nap a little more." Tom explained and glanced at Lee and Avery, looking for confirmation. They both started nodding like crazy.

"Yes. That's totally what happened. That. Yes." Avery nodded more as she looked at her uncle and smiled as genuine as she could.

"Nobody even touched your niece." Lee said and stepped back a bit when Orlando sent a cold glare in his way.

"Where were you?" Avery asked and crossed her arms, looking at Orlando with a raised eyebrow.

"I fell. Asleep. In a hotel. Came back this morning." He shrugged and avoided looking at her.

"I'll go get some groceries!" He suddenly shouted and ran out of the house, shutting the door behind him.

Avery sighed and walked back upstairs to get dressed and take a shower while Lee and Tom finished making breakfast. Half an hour later, they were finished and Orlando still wasn't back. They left him a plate of food in a microwave with a note next to it, right before they left to the set.

Once they arrived, Lee dragged Tom and Avery into his trailer.

"You're my artist again."

Lee smiled and sat down in his usual chair. Tom sat down on a chair next to his and while Tom had his legs wide open, Lee's were crossed. As usual.

Avery noticed that her case with all the tools and Thranduil's wig were already on the table and she immediately started to work her magic on Lee.

She put on his make up, made sure to smooth it out on his skin and highlight his already perfect cheek bones, and plucked his eyebrows a bit. Then she pulled all of his hair back and set up the wig as tight as possible and hid all of his hair underneath. With some more make up and illusions, it looked like the wig were his real hair. Damn, she was proud of her creation. And it didn't give Lee an itch this time! Lee smiled and stood up, giving Tom a passionate kiss before he'd leave to get dressed in the costume. He turned to Avery who was looking at him rather upset.

"You want a kiss too?" He asked and pointed at himself. Avery stared at him and shook her head, then nodded.

"Yes and no. See. I've never been kissed before so." She shrugged and looked down, feeling bummed. She wanted her first kiss, yes. Preferably with both, but she didn't think it would actually be possible.

"We can both be your first kiss!" Tom said excitedly and stepped closer to Avery as she stared at them, feeling confused for the fourth time today.

"Like this." Lee also came closer to her and both men puckered up their lips, closing in on her. Avery got the message and leaned in, waiting for her first kiss. They both kissed her at the same time, Lee on the right part of her lips and Tom on the left. And just like books described the first kiss, it was truly magical and she definitely felt butterflies in her stomach. Once Lee and Tom pulled away, Avery started blushing and giggling uncontrollably. She hid her face in her hands and Tom awwed at her while Lee tried pulling her hands away to see her flushed face.

Suddenly, Orlando busted in through the door and startled, Lee moved away from Avery while Tom stumbled backwards and fell over the chair Lee sat on before.

"Just wanted to let you know the shooting starts in 5." He spoke slowly, narrowing his eyes at Lee and Tom. He swore he saw them dangerously close to his niece before Tom fell over.

With that, Orlando left Lee's trailer and the trio was alone again. Lee and Avery patiently helped Tom up and Tom threw himself in Lee's arms, pulling Avery towards him. They in the embrace for a minute, until Lee had to go to the scene. Of course, Tom and Avery followed him.

"So.. How do you feel about us now?" Tom asked silently, stepping closer to Avery so they can have a more private conversation.

"I have a crush on you guys." She nodded looking up at him. At her words, Lee gasped and turned around, staring at her as if he just found pirates treasure.

"The movie." Tom half yelled and turned Lee back around, gently shoving him towards Peter and the crew. Lee glanced at him and Avery one more time before the cameras started to roll.

And this time, Avery sat very close to Tom.

Two Giants & A Little Lady | Tom Hiddleston, Lee PaceWhere stories live. Discover now