Interview 9: Charles

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It's been a while, but I'm back! And I'm not alone either, please welcome the aspiring CharlesLeonard0719, the author of A Heart of a Warrior!

Q: The interviewer (as usual, me, yay!)
A: The interviewee (CharlesLeonard0719)

Legend: Q: The interviewer (as usual, me, yay!)A: The interviewee (CharlesLeonard0719)

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Q. Greetings! I'm TheWordArtistBooks, and I come from Author Insights. Ready for your interview?P.S. What nickname would you like me to refer you as?

A. Hi. You can just call me Charles and yes I'm ready for the Interview.

Q. Charles, like your username, right? 

So with that, let's begin with the questions! Would you mind telling me a bit about yourself, Charles? It can be as personal as you wish, or just your books.

A. Yep that's right. I'm a 18 year old guy from the sunny state of Florida and I'm currently going to college for a degree in Computer Science. I'm new to writing books since I only started writing back in September. I love hanging out with with friends, exploring nature, Reading books (I'm a bookworm when I comes to books, I love Fantasy/Dark Fantasy, Dystopian,Action and Adventure books) and playing video games.Some elements of my books are based on a dark time of my life by going through depression and my Family's long military heritage that spans nearly 40 generations from the Roman's till now.

Q. I'm a bookworm too! And 40 generations? That's really long! 

 Ooh, on the elements, we'll come to that later! 

 First, books! What's your favourite book(s)? Why do you like them?

A. That is a tricky question to answer since I like so many but to say the top 2 books/series for me is the LOTR books and the Hunger Games. Both give detailed explanations in to the worlds the stories take place in. LOTR has the magic and adventure with a battle against forces of evil, while the hunger games happen in a divided Dystopian world with a sense of fear, distrust, dissent and I could say a cheesy love story.

Q. They both sound quite captivating! 

Do you read books of the same genres that you write?

A. Yes, I do read the same books in the genres I write in. Since I'm new to writing and this is my first time putting effort into writing anything since 3rd grade. I draw elements from across Fantasy/Dark Fantasy, Action, Adventure, and Drama (This is a genre I love if it's written well or it just makes the story cheesy) genres. I decided to put them into the books I'm currently writing or future books because I think these 5 elements can pair well with each other if you know what to write about or how to use the elements. But Fantasy is the Primary genre that I have decided to start with since it is the easiest genre to just let your imagination run wild with no restrictions to building a world for someone to get lost in and fall in love with the world or the characters that live in that world.

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