beta Act I Auther's Notes [Outdated]

Start from the beginning

Betrayed multiple times, seeks to live selfishly.

But a perfectionist at heart, she sees the problems that plague the world and can't help but wish to fix them.

Her arc will be about finding the balance between living for herself and upholding a responsibility, the work life balance basically.

Her chapters are probably the worst written though, literally all tell and barely any show.

I even wasted her ch0 chapter using her as a third person perspective!

And I had her just stand by and do nothing! Which is not in character for her at all!

Dreamer - Yuika Hasebe / Yuri Ullen:

I hated her in the original, her inclusion feels pretty pointless and underused there.

This time around, her devotion is done out of fear for the existence of higher beings, something that will drive a lot of internal conflict when she doesn't agree with the religion.

She will one day find peace despite the fact that there will never be true safety, and spread the message.

Still need to figure out the whole 'dreamer' thing, overactive imagination maybe? That might be too hard for me to write well, as with most things.

Saint - Yanna Ullen:

She is gonna be to Yuri what Julius is to Shun.

Also gonna explore clashing religious beliefs between the Word of God and Goddess Faith, how she will come to prioritise doing the right over her religious duty.

I think I am doing well with her chapters so far.

Vampire - Shouko Negishi / Sophia Keren:

What do you want me to say? Sophia is as Sophia does.

But I suppose I want to do more with the 'ugly on the inside' thing and her belief that she will always be ugly on the inside is what holds her back from improving as a person.

And unlearning that to accept yourself is hard, it feels wrong to be good, it feels wrong to be liked, to give people a reason to like you feels like a crime, isn't it better that they hate you, better yet that they finally give up on you and toss you out?

Yeah, this is gonna be a little personal.

I don't see any problems with her chapters so far tbh.

Butler - Merazophis:

I am gonna explore the themes of fatherhood with him and the struggles that come with having an impossibly difficult daughter figure.

Again, I don't see any problem with his chapters so far.

Ninja - Shinobu Kusama / Sajin Scath:

The funny man, who is very irresponsible and has a bit of a 'nice guy' problem.

He only does things expecting something in return, but at least he knows this.

Unfortunately, this just means he knows he is a loser at heart.

Combined with the fact he is overlooked and overshadowed by others all the time, he doesn't take himself seriously, or take his actions seriously.

Super Spark of Duper Pride [OB] - Act I: MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now