The Administrator

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At this very moment, countless individuals across the multiverse and more were all in a state of chaos.

No matter their current circumstances, they were all now staring at what looked to be a holographic screen in front of them.

For the residents of the continent of Teyvat, they too were now left out as across all the nations and more, the same screen could be seen in front of each person.

The masses were all in a state of disarray and confusion, no one seemed to know just what it was that was happening right now.

Mondstadt - Knights of Favonius

In the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, a certain Acting Grand Master could be seen staring down at the screen in front of her.

As she looked at the static screen, the door to the office suddenly opened. Looking up, she saw a a familiar individual walking in.

"Jean, are you seeing this?" Lisa, their local librarian, asked as she walked in. "From the looks of it, you also have this strange thing."

"Indeed, though I'm not sure what to think of it..."

"I don't think anyone does." A new voice spoke, and turning their heads, they saw that the voice belonged to a blue-haired male who had just walked in. "It's causing quite the commotion outside."

"Please try and get the knights to calm everyone down, Kaeya." Jean voiced as Kaeya merely nodded. "In the meantime, we'll try to find out just what this is. Lisa, do you know anything?"

"Unfortunately, no." Lisa sighed as she answered. "It's unlike anything I've ever seen, it doesn't posses any form of elemental energy or any kind magic or alchemy I'm aware of. Though, we could try asking Albedo."

"Then send someone to bring him here, we need to figure this out as soon as possible..."

"Master Jean!" A rather high-pitched voice shouted as a small figure suddenly dashed into the room. "Klee has this strange thing in front of her!"

"I know, Klee. It's the same for everyone else, so please calm down for now." Jean voiced as she narrowed her eyes at the screen once again. "Just what is happening..."

"It could be the works of the Fatui." Kaeya suggested. "We don't really know what their plans here in Mondstadt are."

"That could be it." Lisa nodded in agreement. Turning to Jean, she spoke up once again. "Should we investigate them now?"

Jean didn't respond immediately, instead holding a thinking position.

"Master Jean!"

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