Chapter 1 "Yes!"

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TWs: Swearing, killing, suicide i think

Frogs pov:

"Yes!" I yell in my bed room. My little sister comes running in. "What happened?" She asks concern. "I just got excited that my hacking worked, that's all." I answer comforting her nerves. "You with your hacking..." She says as she walks out.

I log onto the Dream smp. I actually loged on! This is awesome, I think. 

'Wtf' The chat goes. I laugh to myself. I seem to spawn a while away, so I should be safe for now but I should probably get into holy grounds. I start hitting wood, when a figure walks up to me. 'VC2' He whispers to me. I sent a 'sure' back and joins the vc. A voice I remember, says :How the fuck are you? Did Dream add you?" It was Tommy! "Tommy!" I yell. "I can't believe I'm in a vc with THE TOMMY INNIT!" "I know I'm the best." I laugh. "So two questions for you." Tommy says. "Yeah?" "How old are you and why are you here? I don't remember Dream telling me he was going to add you." "I hacked in and I'm 14." I answer Tommy. Tommy starts jumping. "YES I'M NO LONGER THE YOUGEST!" I laugh. 

A green Tellytubby starts running towards me. He joins the vc2. "Who the fuck are you, get out!" "As if!" I say. "Tommy who is she and how did she join?!?" "Tommy looks at me. Tommy dozes off then comes back to earth. "Who are you?" "I'm Frogs, well thats my channel name! I'm recording right now." I chuckle. "Well I need you to get out or I'll kick you." Dream says angrily "Well then I'll hack right back in, I'm a pro hacker dumbass. How else did I get in? And I think I'll stay with Tommy for a while. He seems to like me." Dream grunts. "I hate this." He answers. "I CAN STAY?!?" I say excited "I don't have a choice really." Dream answers. He starts attacking me but I just respond again. "Excuse me? Bitch. Do you know how rude it is to kill a girl?" He attacks me again. I respond. I chuckle to myself. "You better be good," he finishes. "That might be hard." I answer cheekily. He gives me a stare but I just turn my head. "Loser" I mumble under my breath. "What was that?" The green Tellytubby asks. "Nothing!" I answer politely. "Sure" He answers and leaves the vc. 

"What's your channel name, frogs?" Tommy asks. "Frogsplays" I answer. "I just subscribed!" "Wait! Really! My favorite streamer in the whole entire world subscribed to me!!!!" "Really?" He asks happy. He was happy that I was fond, so much of him. "Yes! Duh! Your the best of the best!" Tommy smiles. "Tommy?" I ask sweetly. "Yes?" "Can I live with you for awhile, I'm homeless sadly." "Sure Homeless bitch." "Hey!"


I hear Tommy crying from the next room. "What's up?" I say walking into his room. He look at me with tears in his eyes. "Oh Tommy." I say jumping onto s bed (not a ship). I see blood breathing through his shirt. Blood coming from his arms and stomach. "Tommy, it's ok. This happens to the best of us. It'll be fine." "Really?" Tommy says huddling up next to me. (NOT A SHIP) "Yeah."


I walk into the Dream smp. A few days ago I thought my hacking wouldn't work! Just yesterday I joined. Now I'm walking into the dream smp!  I start live streaming and do my intro when a figure starts running up to me. Shit! I start running. I'm a Minecraft pro so I get to Holy grounds easily without being killed.

 A figure follows me into the holy grounds and joins my vc. It was quackity. "Hello big man." "Who the fuck are you missy?" "I'm your worst nightmare!" I saw jumping him. "As if! I can be your worst too!" He says taking of his clothes. I quickly shift my camera. "I'm 14 for fuck sakes. Do you know how many people are minors too?" "Yeah! I'm sure they'll love to see this!" He says running into my vison. I look at the ground. I quickly check how many veiwers I'm getting. "Shit!" "Wat?" Quackity asks trying in get into my vision. "I've got 14k views! That's 14k more then I usually get!" "Ha, you'll get use to it!" 

'Tubbo logged on'. Tubbo spawns right infront of me. "Ay! Big man!" Tubbo joins the vc. "Hello! I'm frogs!" I say. My chat starts going wild, Tubbo! They're yelling. "Yeah, chat this is Tubbo. And yes I'm on the Dream smp. I visited Tommy yesterday, make sure to go check that stream!" I say to my chat. "You visited Tommy?" Tubbo asks. "Oh course I did that's where I spawned!" I answer. "Is he doing well? How is he?" Tubbo asks concerned. "He's doing well, He can't do much on his own though so it's hard. But hes well." Tubbo lets a sigh of relief. "Shit!" "What?" Quackity asks. "I've just hit 21k viewers, I'm not even doing anything!" I say stressed out. "Tubbo, your must be real famous!" "I guess so." Tubbo replies. "Could one of you show me around?" I ask. "Sure, why not?" Tubbo replies. "Sorry I gotta go do cool things." Quackity says. "Mine are cooler bitch, see you around." "Wait stay here, I'll be right back." Quackity says. "Oh no..." Tubbo sighs. Quackity comes back with potions. "Would you like to buy some drugs, Good sir?" "QUACKITY! I'M 14! FOR FUCK SAKES!!!" "Is that a yes, there quite good!" "Your an idiot." I replied. "I'll take that as a yes!" Quickity insists. "It's a no prick (Could someone please tell me what this means, I know its a bad word, but what does it mean???)" I say. "We better be off, Quackity." Tubbo saves me.

"So what do you want me to show you?" Tubbo asks. "Everything!" I replied.

I get back to Tommy, to see him with Dream, they're having some much even though Dreams manipulating him. She knew Dream was manipulating him from the moment she saw him. She wasn't an idiot. She was quite smart for her age. She decided to go get some tools, so Dream and Tommy can have there tools. 

"That was fun wasn't it chat?" I say finishing off my stream. Eight hours of streaming. I had to miss dinner and I'm really hungry. "Eight hours! And 30k views! I hope you enjoyed. Now we have great tools!" (She's a great minecrafter) I say tried. "I might stream tomorrow, I'm not sure yet, we'll have to see, Bye!" I say ending the stream. I walk into the house and log off.


Yes! I did it I reached 1180 words! I tried so hard. I hope you like Frog and her personality. Shes been quite good. But shes quite the trouble maker. I hope you liked it! 

Also I'm not shipping a minor with a minor that's... yeah lets not talk about that.

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