Fantasy Ranger (side story)

Start from the beginning

“I don’t really know what to call it. I…I have this power…to see what’s in the far…so I can see clearly the target, as if it’s very close. I also can sense the way the air flowing, so I know when the right time to release the arrow. Only me who can sense it, neither of my friends can,” explain Hizaki.

“When the other members know about it, their behaviors have change. So I decide to resigned from the club,” Hizaki stills. Slowly she looks at Teru. His eyes are glistering.

“Are you alright?” ask Hizaki surprise.

“I can’t believe that I found you,” said Teru slowly.

“We finally found her, Pi!” told Teru. Pi mews.

“What do you mean?” ask Hizaki confused.

“We’ve been looking for you. I’ve been looking for you, the one with the power. You are one of them,” said Teru starts to become excited.

“What power? I don’t understand,”

“Your power, the power to see far beyond, the ability to predict the flowing of the wind, it’s the power. The power we need for the battle,” Hizaki becomes more confused.

“I also have the power,” told Teru.

“My power is to memorize what I’ve seen on the first sight. It’s some kind like photographic sight. I also can make weapon from papers,” Teru pulls out a book from his bag. 

“What I have and also what you have is the power to protect people, to protect the world,”

“I’ve come from the future for you, to find the Fantasy Rangers,” said Teru.

“I’ve been sent here to look for the rangers. We will team up and fight together protecting the world from the bad guys. In the future they have rule the world. It’s better for you not knowing how the world gets under their domination,” explain Teru looking sad but also angry at the same time.

“I’ve come here to change what will happen in the future, to stop them conquering world, to stop people’s suffering. For that, I need your help, Hizaki. Please help me with your power,” said Teru. Hizaki keeps still.

“I know it’s hard to believe, but please believe me. I’m here is the best prove I have,” Hizaki looks at Teru.

“Do you know what period you’re going to go when they sent you?” ask Hizaki.

“Actually…no, they only said I will be sent to the past, but they didn’t tell me what period,” answer Teru.

“Figures, your cloth is too old for this period,” smiles Hizaki.  

“Hizaki, does it mean?”

“Yes, I will help you. I finally understand why I’m having the power. And if it can help people, I would love to use it,”

“Thank you, Hizaki! Thank you so much!” cheers Teru.

“And you’ve said rangers?”


“I think I know who’d be the rest,” Teru’s eyes rounded.

“They all here in this school,” told Hizaki.

“And I will take you to them,” Teru stuns. He can’t believe that his assignment to look for the other rangers would be done only in a single place.

“Please, Hizaki-san. Could you take me to them?” ask Teru.

“With my pleasure, Teru-kun,” 

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