The Monthly Werewolf Transformation (fluff)

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"Shit!" Cassie said holding her stomach, she started her period, and Billy was calling.
"Hey! We're waiting outside of your house but also-." Billy said as Cassie hung up.
"Why does it seem, like she always just puts up with me?" Billy said to Freddy.
"I don't know, ask her yourself."
"Oh I get it! I'm the thrid wheel!"
"What, no your not!" Freddy said trying to be convincing.

"Hey guys, sorry for the wait!" Cassie said.
"Oh, we wouldn't want to take up your time, Princess!" Billy joked.
"Please go suck several dicks, Billy" She responded.
"Well I'm offended!" Billy said dramatically.

Freddy laughed to himself and shook his head.
"What's so funny, dipshit!" Billy said.
"You two arguing like siblings, always makes my day!"
"That's cool but did we ask?" Billy said.

They continued walking, but Cassie's period hurt like shit. Freddy noticed her clutching her stomach.
"Hey, do you need to sit down?" he asked.
"No, I'm good."

They arrived at school and went their separate ways to class. Freddy tried to give her a goodbye kiss but she declined and walked off. Did I do something?

Cassie's classes were going by slowly and she called her mom to come and pick her up. Cassie was heading toward lunch and sat down with Billy and Freddy.
"Hey Cas!" Freddy said as she sat down.
"But Black Canary is way cooler!" Billy said.
"No, she's not! Superman will always be top!"
"Whatever!" Billy said.
Cassie didn't eat and was crossing her arms.
"Hey are you ok?" Freddy asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine why?"
"Oh, no reason."

Freddy held Cassie's hand to let her know that he was still there for her, even though she didn't want to talk about it. Freddy always noticed the small things and acted on them, she loved that about him. Most boys are to oblivious, to notice the small things, but Freddy did. Billy and Freddy carried on with their conversation and then lunch was over. Cassie went to the office and waited for her mom,  and saw her come in.
"Hey, I've got some pain killers in my car if you want them." Her mom said.
"No, I've already taken some, but thanks." Cassie said standing up and walking to her car.

Her mom walked behind her and started to drive home.
"So, did you tell Freddy?"
"No, not yet." she responded.
"Ok" they rode silently home and pulled into their drive way. Cassie went to her room and laid in bed watching her favorite comfort show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

"Hey, since you and Cassie are close have you seen her?" Freddy asked Mary at home.
"No, why?"
"She's not at school, I think I may have said something, and also she was holding her stomach,  like she was in pain this morning."
Mary stopped and looked at him, then put her hand on his shoulder.
"If she said anything or did anything that offended you, she didn't mean it. Also she's on her period."
"What! How did I not know this!"
"She told me on FaceTime this morning, also women hide pain easily."
"No, she probably is in so much pain, can you tell me s-something that I can do to help her! A-also to make it up to her and-"
"Freddy! She'll be fine, but sure I'll explain it to you."

Mary taught Freddy everything she knew then he went to his room to do some other research on it. He then went to the store to buy her chocolate. He walked to Cassie's house and knocked on her door, she opened the door and looked at him.
"Hey, I'm really sorry, if I did something to offend you or if you want to kill me right now, but I looked up period cramps and all this other different stuff. Also I asked Mary about how it works and that was super embarrassing! Then I saw some stuff that I didn't want to see I thought was disgusting, I mean, I don't think you're disgusting. I mean you girls have to go through so much and girl power am I right, and-". Cassie cut him off with a kiss.

"Thank you" then she hugged him then let go.
"I've got some chocolates, and you're favorite, Reese's peanut butter cup!"
She smiled and looked at him then gave him another kiss.
"You really are the best boyfriend in the multiverse, aren't you?" she said with her hands around his neck.
"Well, I try Cassie."
She shook her head then looked back at him, and invited him in.

Cassie went into her room and Freddy followed. "Do-you want cuddles or something?" He said messing with the back of his neck.
"Cuddles would be nice" She said laying down. He came behind her and spooned her. She grabbed his hand and cuddled it, and put her back against his chest.

"Are you ok?" Do you hurt? Tell me if there's anything I can do. "
"Since you're here, I don't hurt anymore."
Freddy smiled at the fact, that he made her feel comfort. She loved how far he went for her.
She turned over to face him, "Thank you for everything."
Cassie kissed him, then put his hand on her waist, and held it there until she stopped kissing him.

"Of course, Cassie."
She knew that he was dead serious because he said her real name. She buried herself in his chest and arms, then fell asleep.

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