Chapter 26

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Niall's POV:

"Daddy, what does fuck mean?" My 4 year old daughter asks.

"Baby, that is a very naughty word."

"Then why did Lia say it?"

"I'm sure she didn't mean too. But anyways boys, I want to record Aisley a song." I tell them.

"Do you have a song?"

"Yeah." I say and grab the notebook out of my bag. I then I walk in the booth. I record the song for Aisley. It was called carry on. When I finished I walked back out.

"Where did you get that song from?" Louis asked.

"I don't know. The lyrics just came to mind. I got bored one day while watching the kids. While they were taking a nap, I just figured why not write Aisley a birthday song."

"Well, it's really good. Maybe just change a few words around." Harry said.

"Daddy, I like it." Austin told me.

"Well good, bud. Andrea did you like it?"


Then next thing I know, Nicole just started crying really badly. I tried making her a bottle. She wouldn't take it. I changed her diaper, it didn't help. I tried singing in her ear, it didn't work.

"Niall! Get her to stop! She's been crying for 13 minutes! Make her stop!" Liam yelled.

"I don't know how. She's never done this before. She's always been good." Next thing I know Natalie started crying. I gave Nicole to Louis. He tried bouncing her on his lap, it didn't work.

I did the same procedures for Natalie, they didn't work either. I sat down with her on my lap.

"Daddy, my ears hurt." Andrea states.

"I know princess. I don't how to make it stop." I tell her.

"C'mon on Louis, let's go outside to see if it works. Maybe they are too stuffed up in this room." Louis and I walk out of the studio and to the elevator.

"Oh my god. Please stop crying baby girls." I tell my daughters. We get out of the elevator. We walk out the doors.

"Can you get those things to shut the hell up?" A man yelled.

"Fuck you." I said to him.

Taking them outside didn't work.

"That's it I'm calling Aisley." I tell Louis.

She answers on the third ring.

"Hello?" She calls through the phone.

"I need help. I don't know what to do. The twins are crying. I tried to feed them. I changed their diapers, I tried singing to them. I took them outside. I don't know what to do! Please help me babe!" I tell her.

"You said you tried everything right?"

"Yes! Everything we usually do."

"What about their baby blankets?"

"They aren't in the baby bag or the stroller."

"Fuck. Okay. Their binkies?"

"They spit them out."

"Oh my gosh. What about their stuffed animals?"

"None with me."

"Shit. They're probably teething. How long have they been crying?"

"A good 20 minutes."

"Can you end recording early today?"

"Not really."

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