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"Help Help Help!!!! Please, someone." Red felt the ground as she rolled around in pain. The dirt getting in her clothes and face. She felt her tears going down her face. Please she thought I need someone. 

"Wauw Red that's a lot of blood." Goldi walked towards her slowly.

Red could see she was scared, I would be too if I saw someone who is covered in blood. It still looked weird to see her a little scared, I guessed she was used to a little blood, being a crime leader and all, but I guess I was wrong.

"What happened to you?" 

"Pa and I were going through the woods to get something from the market. He heard something so he ran ahead to make sure it was safe, but he hasn't gotten back get, and then all of a sudden this big tree landed on my chest. I think the cut is pretty deep."

Goldi saw Red clenching her teeth in pain.

"I've been laying her for half an hour already, please help me." She looked up towards Goldi making her best pleading face.

"No....No what are you doing?!, Where are you going?!" Red wailed. Seeing Goldi run away gave her a stab in the heart. She laid her head down in defeat, closing her eyes, she wished this nightmare would be over already.


"Oi! Be careful with her!" 

"Sorry sis but she is heavier than she looks."

Goldi had run back to her family, asking for their help. When she got back with them Red was unconscious. She was looking at you being pulled up onto her mother's back. She looked so broken, she wished she would have found you earlier. Feeling Papa bear beginning to move toward their cabin again she laid down on his back, feeling like it had been her fault.

"Don't beat yourself up, kid." Goldi heard the concern in her father's voice.

"I know Papa, but if I was here earlier I could have done something." Grunting in frustration she put her hand on her forehead.

"We are going to take good care of her eh" Her father gave her a little smile over his shoulder.


Yup he could definitely smell her, she had been here. He didn't need his nose to tell him she lost blood, he saw it all over the ground floor. They only wanted to go to the market for some bread and he had heard what sounded like thieves so he ran ahead. She had reassured him she would be fine on her own. He had gotten into a fight with the thieves over a silly argument and now his little girl was nowhere to be found. He feared the worst. What if they had taken her? What if she was in very much pain? or worse dead?

No, he could not lose her, so going on his nose he moved along her scent trail.


Opening her eyes slowly, Red could smell something really nice, she smelt pie? No tea? No, she smelt hot chocolate. She felt a hand on her forehead as she tried to sit up.

"No no dear, stay down." She heard the soothing voice of Mama bear. Thank god she wasn't dead. 

Red saw the hot chocolate next to her. She groaned as she tried to sit up again. This time Mama bear let her. "Very well" She heard from her. She also felt a bandage on her chest as she sat up.

"It's not too bad but you need to change the bandage a few times." To the other side of her stood Goldi, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Now you need to stay here at least till tomorrow and since we only have three beds you're gonna have to share it with Goldi." Mama said to Red.

"Wha?! mama no way I gotta sleep." she saw the wide eyes of Goldi as she tried to win her mother over.

"No arguing Goldi." Mama said to her daughter sternly and walked away.

It was getting dark already as Red drank her chocolate milk. She could feel Goldi sitting down on the bed. "So I guess we're bed mates eh?" Goldi said with a nervous chuckle. Red looked at her with a confused face. "uhm yea weird thing to say." Goldi said walking away.

"Huh was that a blush I saw?" Red said. She turned around sharply "Are you serious? Thieves don't blush." Goldi saw the smirk on her face. "Uhg whatever." She turned around again and walked away.

Red felt a push on her side. "Ey I totally saw the blush too." Baby looked at her with a smile. "Totally" Red laughed.


"All right move over muppet." Goldi walked over to Red. "Mama said it's bedtime." Goldi said.

"Haha, really you have a bedtime?!" Red laughed at her. "Ugh just move over will ya." Red did just that. 

Goldi came with a bunch of pillows arranging them on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Red asked her with a confused face. "I'm putting a pillow wall between us so we both have our own side." Goldi said annoyed.

"Haha alright, weirdo." Red laughed.

Goldi walked over to her side of the bed. She kept getting closer almost in her face she would surely stop. But no she kept getting closer. Red could feel her breath on her face.

Goldi heard her suck in her breath. "I'm afraid if there is no wall I might snuggle ya." She smirked. "Haha, who's blushing now plonker." Goldi moved away going back to arranging her pillows.

Red did indeed blush, very much. She rolled on her side away from Goldi, hiding her face from her.

"Goodnight everyone." Red heard Mama say.

Everyone said it back. Red hoped she could sleep. She was worried about her father, but sleeping next to her crush since a few days ago didn't help her either.


Goldi woke up before daylight. She usually sleeps in the longest of everyone. It probably had to do with a very tiny bed with two people. She opened her eyes and tried to sit up but something was blocking her movement. 

OMG her hand had moved passed the pillow wall and had placed itself under Red's shirt on her stomach. How was she going to get it out without waking her up? 

She felt so soft and warm. she didn't want to move her hand but she had to. It will probably freak Red out. She thought. 

She moved her hand out as slowly and carefully as possible. She stiffened as Red moved. Luckily she didn't wake up and Goldi was able to free her hand. She got out of bed, fixing herself a glass of water.

Everyone was hardly awoken when a big thing came breaking through the door.

"wha the hell." Goldi said. Grabbing her staff. 

Everyone was standing, ready to face this thing and fight. 

"You kidnapped my daughter." Pa yelled at the bears. "Oh sorry, I didn't know this was your house."Pa said. As soon as he saw his daughter he ran over in concern as she was still in Goldi's bed. "Are you okay sweetheart?" Red just nodded her head.

"Oh, she is fine sir." Mama bear said to him. "She got hurt somehow and we treaded her." She went on.

"Thank you." Pa said. He turned to Red. "Who did this to you?" 

"I...I don't.....I don't know pa." Red stammered looking down. "It all happened too fast.

"That's oke love." He kissed his daughter on her forehead. "Just get some sleep it seems like you're in good hands here." He smiled at the bears. 

They all walked to the living room except Goldi. She walked over to Red right next to her ear, she whispered "I'll keep ya safe." And walked back to everyone without looking at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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