Emotional Conversation

Start from the beginning

"Wait where's–" Bane steps on my stomach and begins to curl around me. "Wait...no...sleep pile...Ben, help." He laughs, and drags me from the reptile.

"Circle up guys! Camp meeting!" Darius announces.

"Ugh, another one?" Kenji scoots up the slide.

"Don't worry. We'll be right back." Ben gives Bumpy a nuzzle as I do the same with my kids. I climb up the ladder after Ben. He leans on a pole, grabbing my hips to hug me from behind. I place a soft kiss on his cheek when he rests his chin on my shoulder. The blue eyed boy blushes. Nice to know I still have that effect on him.

"Okay, on the plus side, still no Compy's seen around camp, so that's good. On the minus side, raft escape plan number one was–"



"Didn't work" The campers finish for Darius. Ben pulls away from me and heads to the railing by the slide. I was still surprised they managed to build this whole makeshift camp by themselves.

Ben leans over the railing, watching Bumpy play with Bane. The two were currently playing tug of war with a large tree branch they found. It was my turn to hug him from behind.

"Are you okay, lovely?" I whisper. He slumps a little.

"Just thinking, darling." He whispers back holding one of my hands.

"About..." He takes a large breath.

"Hey B Team!" We jump at Kenji's shout. "What do you think?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Uh, yeah, what you said." Honey, you weren't paying attention.

"Really, you think a human catapult is the best solution?" I burst out laughing at Yas' response.

"Such wisdom beloved." I cackle as he playfully pushes me away.

"No," He 'sternly' stares at me before looking back at the group, "that's ridiculous. Darius is right, a raft is the way to go."

"Thank you!"

"Fine, since there are no other options, raft it is." I thought that was obvious Brooklynn. Every other way has been in vain. A raft is the closest we've been to–

I turn my head to the dino kids. Bumpy was now trying to shake Bane off her back. Teal snacking on a small Compy while watching the show.

"Awesome! Now, where can we find a sail that we haven't already looked?"

"It's a shame we can't just hang glide all the way to Costa Rica. That would be so dope." Kenji leans back.

"Wait, what's Lookout Point?"

"It's this hang gliding activity stationed at the top of the mountains to the west. My dad took me there when I was seven." I smile at the memory.

"Hang gliders, as in pieces of fabric designed to catch the wind?" The camp cheers at their newfound solution. I hang my head, once again. Ben takes my hand and gives it a small squeeze. He noticed.

"Hey, we could use that as a sail!"

"Good idea Kenji."

Kenji had led us to the base of the west mountains. The walk there was quiet, and I got stuck in my own head. I notice Ben was trapped in his own thoughts as well. I hope he's okay, though I can probably guess what he's thinking. I should know, I felt the same way on the raft. I pet Bane's neck softly. I didn't want to leave my babies. I raised them. I watched them take their first steps, catch their first prey, and have their first sleep pile in my lap with Swamp. I taught them to run in formation, taught them swim, and taught them how to understand my whistle commands. Now that Swamp was gone, how could I abandon them?

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