Emotional Conversation

158 2 7

Brisk POV

The man-made raft sails swiftly through the water. Sammy and Kenji splash each other with the salt water. Brooklyn, Yas, Ben, and Darius tighten the vines around the raft. I sit against the mast of the raft, knee's against my chest. My heart gets more heavy as we drift further from the island. This island has been my home for nearly my entire life. My father died here, my son died here. Was I really going to leave their resting place, my home, for the mainland? What about my remaining two children? I hear their loud roars of confusion and distress from the shore alongside Bumpy's longing bellows. Ben stands near the center of the raft, I take my place beside him. Our fingers intertwined as we stare at the dinosaurs begging for our return.

I don't know how long it had been since I had...taken my revenge, but the weight I had on my head and my chest only got heavier. We had all run around the island for supplies for the raft, while also trying alternate methods of escape. It didn't really matter to me, for every time I had tried to leave the island the weight got heavier to bear. Everytime I ran with my children, I kept seeing his form run beside us. Every night I only wake to the echoing sound of a gunshot, flashing visions of my baby's blood on my hand invade my mind like brutal intrusive thoughts. And for some reason, memories of my fathers helicopter crashing against the glass dome looped in my dreams.

"Goodbye, Bumpy." My love whispers. I don't say anything. I couldn't say anything. My eye's prick with tears much to my annoyance. I wasn't one to cry in front of others, what is wrong with me. I don't normally cry in the first place. I know that no kid should be going through this, but I thought I was stronger than this.

Darius places a hand on his shoulder. Ben looked so heartbroken. I place my arm around his waist to pull him into a side hug. He leans against me.

"See ya never, stupid dino island! You thought you could eat us? No way! You thought you could stomp on us? Think again!" Kenji screams at the island.

"Yeah! You thought you could crush our spirits? Impossible!" Sammy and Kenji cheer as they dance on the raft. I wince at their loud volume.

"To be fair, the island sure crushed my spirit." His face turns to one of confidence, "But then, I defeated Toro." I snorted, a smile stretching across my face.

"Ugh, not again." Yas groans.

"Well, Bumpy and Brisk like it when I tell it." A wave hits us and I grasp Ben.

"Um, guys..." A large wave forms, heading straight to us. My eyes widened in panic. 

"Everyone secure the vines!" Brooklynn shouts. I ignore her, holding Ben close to me.


"I don't know, pull on them?"

"I thought you said you have raft experience!"

"I have some raft experience, SOME!"

"Oh, so only SOME of us will die!" Yas and Brook bicker and I growl.

"The wind's strong, we can just power throu–" The sail blows off the mast. The wave gets closer and I don't hesitate to shield Ben. In a quick, harsh blow we are sunk. We survived, obviously, but were both tired and beat. The rest of the campers and I trek through the jungle. Lovely and I stayed close with one another, keeping each other warm.

"Bumpy? Bumpy, we're back. Bumpy?" Ben calls out.

"Teal, Bane, Sw–" I wince, "Babies?" The bushes rustle behind us. Ben and I turn around.

"Kids?" Ben asks, and my heart warms up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I didn't even register our babies until one crashed into me. It took me a solid few seconds to figure out who it was. A baryonyx was licking my face and bear-hugging me. I could tell it was Teal though, she's the only one who eats fish. I glance over to see Bumpy having her own heartfelt reunion with Ben.

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