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''Oi baby! what are you doin' eh? Sneakin' out of the house like tha'?"- Goldilocks said. Seeing her brother Baby climbing out the window, she was just up in the middle of the night for something to drink but what is he doing?

''I'm not! I'm just climbing out the window for fun, leave me alone you weirdo"-Barked baby back, gosh Baby hates that stupid grin she gets on her face.

"I'm not lettin' ya leave just like that"- Goldi said. "Fine, I'll tell you on the way but be quiet."- Baby whispered back.
Jumping out the window with ease.

"So what are we doin' eh?"- Goldi asked after a while of running through the woods.

"We are stealin' something"-Baby answered.

''Okaaayyy... Wha' we stealin'?"- Goldi questioned with one brow up in curiosity.

"Don't laugh okay?"- Baby said with a sad face.

"Okay Okay I won't"-Goldi said even more curious.

"Well... We are stealing a coat."-Baby said

"Whahahahahahahahahahahaha Are you serious???"-Goldi laughed so hard she well backward on her brother's back.

"OI! Ye said you wouldn't laugh!"-Baby Said with a Frown.

"Well, yea but you wanna steal a coat haha"-She said back with a laugh.

"So who's coat are we stealin' eh?"-She asked when she finished laughing.

"I don't really know, I saw them walkin' through the woods from the corner of my eye. I know tha' it was a wolf and a girl. that's it. "-Baby said.

"Alright, let's go steal a coat then."-Goldi said with a smirk.


"What do you think you're doing?"-?.

"Uhm nothin'."-Baby said wide-eyed while holding the coat.

"That's my coat."- the wolf said and snatched his coat back. "leave before we'll turn you into one." He added with a growl.

"Give us the coat or things will get ugly."-Goldi said showing her teeth.

"Wauw, look at her teeth Pa! They almost look like bears."-?

Suddenly a girl jumped out of an overhanging tree right in front of Goldi's face, staring at her teeth.

"Oi leave my teeth alone."-Goldi said but her cheeks got just a little red. Weird she thought maybe just the cold weather.

"Come on Pa give the bear your coat he looks cold."-? Said

"No it's mine and he can get his own Red.- pa wolf said looking sternly at Red.

"No way! Your Little red riding hood and the wolf? You guys are such cool thieves."-Baby exclaimed.

"He he thanks. We stole that coat from big jack Horner."-Red said with a proud smile on her face.

"Yea that's why he's not getting it."-Pa said with a growl.

"Fine I'll get my own".-Baby said pouting.

"Why are you sleepin' on the floor in the middle of the forest anyway?"-Goldi asked.

"Well our house got smashed by the storm last week so we've been wandering around ever since."- Pa said.

"Can't they stay at ours tonight?"-Baby asked.

"No way Baby, papa is going to kill us and I don't trust them."-Goldi said looking at them suspiciously.

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