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"What are you doing?"

"Who is that boy?"

I slowly turned around, and got away from Chan's grip, but I knew too well that voice!


"Jack it is not what its seems like, he is one of my brother's friend and..."


"No it is not like that!"

"You are litterally dressed like a sexy model and went bathing I guess in your hot tub with that boy! And now you were about to kiss!"

"Sorry to interrupt but who's this Y/N?" Chan asked confused.

"Chan this is my boys Jack." I whispered.

"You have a boyfriend???!!!!" He asked shocked.


"You never told me!"

"You never asked."

"Where is Alessia?" I asked in a tiny voice.

"With your brother...you know doing their own things..."

"She could've at least come and say hi!" I said.

"It's your brother's fault, she pushed her in...don't be mad, they are in love..." That last sentence he said it with sadness in his voice.

"Why don't we see a film in the meanwhile..." I suggested.

"Yeah what do you wanna see?" Jack asked.

"What about Twilight Eclipse?" I proposed.

"Yeah nice." They both answered.

It was getting more awkward every second that passed.

We sat on the couch, Jack jealously holding me tight while laying on the couch. Poor Chan was left on the armchair. I played my head on my bf's chest, it was so comfortable!

During the film, Jack started to play with my hair, and kissing sweetly my neck and cheek, as he new I liked it.

Though I felt that that wasn't the right moment, so I made it as if I didn't care. Chan stiffened on his chair, though continued watching the movie.

Personally I think that Jacob Black is better than Edward Cullen, and deserves better than Bella. (tell me what you think...team Edward or team Jacob!)

Was it a coincidence or it always talked about two boys and one girl!

And who will I choose Jack or Chan? Who deserves better than a person like me? Who do I deserve? But mostly who do I love?

Unconsciously I started gently to play with Jack's fingers. I always did when I was watching a film.

"I am gonna go now. Hour brother is busy and you are too I guess." Chan slowly said.

"No please stay!" I pleaded. "Steve already prepared your room."

At that Jack stiffened. He stop cuddling me and got up.

"Let him go if he wants to go!" He half shouted.

"Jack, Chan is Steve's guest as you and Alessia are mine. He has the right to stay as you do." I defended him.

There I saw Chan smiling a bit. His cute smile!

"Does Steve want him to stay or you do?" Jack asked jealously.

"Jack please..."

"Y/N do you like that boy!!" Jack asked even more furious.

"W-what!" I stuttered.

I didn't know what to answer because Jack was my boyfriend, my first love, or so I thought. Although with Chan I felt something that I never felt for anybody!

I stayed quiet.

"Answer me Y/n" Jack said with a pleading voice.
"I came all this way for you, because I thought you loved me and I find you with HIM! I swear that if he touches you I am gonna kill him!"

His disappointment transformed in anger, and anger transformed in rage and revenge.

He started to get closer, but Bangchan did something I could never imagine...
He grabbed my face and kissed me!!!

I knew it was wrong but somehow it felt right.

It was a short but passionate kiss.

My hands on his chest, his hands on my face.

Jack was speechless, but seeing no reaction in me he stepped forward to hit Chan.

I stopped him, he couldn't hurt him for something we wanted both.

"Jack I am so sorry..."

Jack's deep blue eyes darkened and he took a step back.

"Jack I love you, but I understood that it is only in a brother like way...You were my first love and I will never forget you. That is why I wanna stay your friend, your best friend."

"Spare me you lecture. I know you are saying this because you pity me. I loved you and I trusted you...I guess this is better for both of us. I hate liars, players and users. I guess I will have to stay here for the rest of the exchange, but don't talk to me..." Jack said and with this he went in his room, next to mine.

My heart broke, my eyes started filling up with tears. Tears of regret. He hadn't understood anything! I didn't lie to him and especially didnt use him or played with his feelings.

I needed to speak with him and make him understand what I really meant.

Chan rested a hand on my shoulder. I pushed it away. It was his fault! His fault I had lost Jack! His fault this exchange was ruined! And his fault he made me love him.

I ran into my room.

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