Chapter 4 ; First Day

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Naim and y/n both go into the MK when they got there the class was already full and were waiting for them.. Naim knocked the door and said

" Good morning Puan Fanizah I just finished giving y/n a tour of our school sorry we're late" Puan Fanizah said " Ohh there you are guys ,  we were worried about you guys ,it's okay come in.. y/n please introduce yourself upfront"

y/n walk infront and introduce herself nervously " name is y/n binti mohd aiman , I hope we can get a long together" with that y/n goes straight to her sit which is next to Fakhri with that the first lesson starts .


y/n and Naim queue up and wait for their turn Naim got his food and goes to find a seat for both of them suddenly Kahar and his geng was cutting the line , Kahar is infront of y/n , and he turn back and he whispered on y/n ear "lepas kau makan , jumpa aku dkt belakang sekolah faham?" "tapi aku tak tau jalan mana" kahar sigh "kau ikut je la aku nnt , susah btl la budak baru ni" .

After y/n take her food from DM and sat beside Naim , Naim asked "kau okay tk ? , aku noticed kau mcm banyak flinched , kau okay ke? "

"Okay je , cuma tu la effect dri sklh lama cm ni la" Naim was confused "apa maksud kau ? Asal ? Apa jadi ?" Y/n look at Naim and hesitate to tell him and Naim noticed that too " tkpe klau kau blm ready nk bgtau tkpe aku tk paksa" he smile and y/n smile back too .

After y/n finished her food she saw kahar from a far was waiting for her  , before she go to kahar she inform to Naim "Naim , aku pegi somewhere jap " "Kau nak pegi mana ? Klau kau pegi jumpa kahar aku tk benarkan, bukan apa , aku tknk kahar atau geng dia buat apa2 kat kau and aku tknk kau buat Hal , hari ni first day kau " "tk aku nk tgk2 je , don't worry" she said "ye la lagi pun aku ada hal kejap , aku gerak Lu tau , ingat hati2" y/n nodded and smiled

After Naim left y/n goes straight to kahar  . He grabbed her wrist and dragged her at the back of the school , when she saw all of the High Council Geng , she start feeling anxious , "knp ni ? " she ask awkwardly " aku nak tanya asal kau pindah kat sini , kau tau ni sekolah lelaki asal kau tiba2 satu org perempuan je "

Y/n gulp her saliva , " aku pindah sbb ada hal , aku sbnrnya sign untuk masuk sekolah lain tp salah system  and sekolah tu dah full student" she replied "hal apa yang kau buat smpai kau kena pindah ni ? mesti kau pukul orang kan ?" When kahar mention that y/n look straight into kahar eyes " tk aku tk pukul org , aku ken-"

Suddenly the bell rang , then y/n was about to walk away from them but once again someone caught by her wrist by one of the members which was Ariz, y/n remembered what Naim told her that he's the only form 4 in High Council geng .. "Kau nak gi mana kitaorang tak habis ckp lagi " "kelas..?" She said then kahar told ariz .." Biar je la dia pergi" Ariz then let go of y/n wrist then y/n walked fast as she can to find Naim to get her to her next class.

helloo, we hope all of you readers stay tuned for our next chapter !! Love Dee & Sha🤍

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