Chapter 1; Confusion

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"Aik pahal nama aku ada dekat Kudrat ni? Bukan ni sekolah lelaki ke? " With that Y/n goes straight to her father to tell him what had happened. "Abah asal nama y/n ada dekat Kudrat? " "Eh yeke ? Nanti petang abah bawa kamu kesana bincang dengan guru besar"

                                   -That evening-

Y/n and her father goes to Kudrat to discuss about the thing y/n is going through

Tuan Yusuf: Ye Encik apa yg saya boleh bantu?

Abah y/n : Saya datang sini nak bincangkan tentang anak saya ni nama dia y/n tadi tengahari dia nak tengok dia dpt ke tak masuk sekolah yg dia nak masuk tu tapi tiba² nama dia dekat sekolah ni , tula kami datang nak tanya ni..

Tuan Yusuf: Oh kamu la pelajar perempuan tu, kami minta maaf sangat² nama kamu termasuk dekat dalam sistem sekolah kami jadi dia kena sekolah dekat sini, kalau nak pindah pun memakan masa selama 6 bulan..

Y/n: Macam mana boleh termasuk kat sistem sekolah Kudrat ni?

Encik Yusuf: Itu kami pun tidak dapat untuk mengetahui sebab dia tiba² saja masuk dalam sistem tu.. kami minta maaf sangat²

Abah y/n : Jadi kalau gitu dia perlu sekolah sini selama 6 bulan ?

Encik Yusuf: Ye betul,tapi jangan risau tentang bilik dorm,kami akan sediakan bilik untuk y/n seorang saja..

Abah y/n : hmm kalau begitu kita takde pilihan la kan bila dia akan bermula sekolah kat sini?

Encik Yusuf: Dia akan start lusa,jadi ada masa untuk sediakan barang² dia dan bilik sekali

Abah y/n : baiklah terima kasih Encik Yusuf.

Encik Yusuf: Sama² Dan maafkan pihak sekolah kami ye.

Y/n was really sad,scared and disappointed she doesn't want to go to school with all boys,she remembered her past.. she was bullied by the boys at her old school..

On the way to the carpark she saw a group of boys wearing uniform school without tucking in their uniform.. when she was staring at them ,she realized that they were also staring at her, she hurriedly walks to the car leaving her father behind.

"Y/n kenapa lari? Okay tk?" Asked her father " no takde apa pun abah cuma panas" y/n replied

                                -Later That Night-

School starts on 17/2 which y/n have 1 more day before start a new life at KUDRAT . Now it's 8:20pm she had to packed her bags and do what she needs to do .
"sumpah tk ready nk masuk sekolah tu.. what if anything happen ? dah la semua pelajar lelaki gila...i Guess I have no choice then.. it's okay 6 bulan je" she said to herself trying to calm down a bit.

It's almost 10pm and tomorrow she needs to arrive at KUDRAT on 6am , with that she go to bed while feeling anxious about what will happen to her life after this..

Heyy guys , this story originally made by me and my friend Sha , and this is our first firstt story yang kitaorang buat , we're sorry if there's any misspelled or wrong grammars . We really appreciate for those who reads our story . Love Dee & Sha🤍. FYI we'll be posting everyday ^_^

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