That night being a genius he is, Xiao Zhan decided to snuck out the palace with the help of Wen Ning as his alternative on bed since Wen Qing is so strict with him. Xiao Zhan uses the silver mask of Wei Ying and altered some of Wei Ying's black clothes. Of course, he didn't forget to bring tons of golds as he is planning to party tonight.

He misses his night life, so he asked what the most famous pub in the area is, so he booked a room for himself, ask omegas to serve him since they are most likely to be his type than alphas, and ordered famous liquor which is the 'Emperor's Smile.' Fortunately, due to his mask he was known to the pub, so he had an idea that Wei Ying usually visited this pub as well.

That night Xiao Zhan fully enjoys the night talking and flirting to omegas and though that this is a new experience and feels like he's having a role play with these guys, even though he's an omega himself.

On the other part of the club there's an exclusive room that was reserved for the owner, but only the Mian Mian the manager can talk to the owner of this club but she never saw his face as they always talked from each other side of the curtain although he is familiar with his once of his body guard which is Xue Yang and she only knew that they are businessmen and visit from time to time to have a meeting and let her manage all the things regarding about the pub. There's not actually problem with it since they almost provide everything especially money so long as they have the highest floor as their hideout so discuss their operations to subdue the Wen clan.

"What should we do with him Your Majesty? We already confirmed that he really lost some of his memories." Xue Yang asked Lan Zhan as they are talking about Wei Ying.

"Hm, we will proceed with the wedding as planned and observe what will be the next move of the Wen Clan." Lan Zhan said.

"I have to agree, but my only concern is they might investigate what really happened to the future Empress and they you know how cunning those Wen and might blame Xiao Xingchen for this incident." Lan Xichen said.

"Of course, I won't let them Da-ge, to be honest that night we met on the same lake." Lan Zhan said.

"You did? And what did you two talked about?"

But before Lan Zhan could answer the door flung open and standing in front of them is a drunkard man with a silver mask and awfully familiar with them, so they hurriedly dropped the curtain and covers their nose.

But this man is too drunk to even bother who are they, he just apologized and seems like he is looking for a bathroom, but the man is releasing his omega pheromones, and the smell is somehow familiar with Lan Zhan. The man went back and look for the comfort, but Xichen and Xue Yan asked Lan Zhan if they should kill him, but Lan Zhan disagree and told them that he will follow the man and work to renovate again the room even though it was accidentally open but the masked man just to be safe.

Lan Zhan grab his sword Bichen and covers his face and follow the masked man who just had just came from the comfort room and seems like he's now going home but since the man is so drunk he can't even walk straight and some of the people is looking at him due to his pheromones, but when they got into a secluded alley Lan Zhan point his sword directly to the masked man.

Even though Xiao Zhan is drunk he knows when he's in a near death situation, he thought that this might be a bandit that wanted his money since he's rich and follows him here from the pub.

"Wait, wait! I'll give you my money please don't hurt me!" So, he hurriedly gives all his spare golds from different parts of his clothes, but due to his extreme emotion and panic. He releases more pheromones, good thing that Lan Zhan was able to drink their medicine to control someone's pheromone, but this man is a dominant omega, and he has a strong pheromone so he needs to finish this job and should know who he is but based on his reaction he might not have heard what they are talking about earlier.

But still he swings his sword towards the masked man to harm him but fortunately Xiao Zhan was able to the dodge the sword and fall back into his butt, but the mask on his face falls out and exposed his flushed face.

"Please don't kill me," Xiao Zhan said, he's almost crying and the heat is getting into his head as well, he don't know why the swordsman wanted to kill him even though he already gave all of his money, but he do feel funny at the moment as he smells a faint sandalwood scent from his soon to be killer and his body is so heavy as if he's already losing his consciousness.

Lan Zhan thought that the apple scent pheromone is awfully familiar with him, but he didn't expect that it was Wei Ying since Wen Qing is so strict so it's impossible for him to snuck out, but this is a perfect chance as well kill him with a perfect alibi without the supervision of Wen. So, without any doubt he tried to stab Wei Ying who's hanging with his consciousness.

But before he could stab him, a sword flied towards him and lost the cover in his face. Suddenly, a man with a wolf hurried grab the unconscious Wei Ying and tried to wake him up, but he's burning up and pheromone is too strong for him, so he chewed one of his inhibitor tablet for alpha, while his companion wolf is growling at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan was able to identify this man, he's one of the greatest swordmen in their generation and in line as minister of War. His name is Chou Youwen, he's also a close and childhood friend of Wei Ying, this man is on a mission to eradicate the bandits for a month so Lan Zhan thought that he might expedite the mission due to the accident in the lake. Even though Lan Zhan wanted to finish this, he cannot risk of getting caught by this man right now, so he hurriedly left the scene.

Youwen gently grab Wei Ying as much as he wanted to follow the man who tried to kill Wei Ying but his condition is more urgent so he went back to his horse and hurriedly went back to the palace.

"I received a message that you had an accident in the lake and woke up and now someone almost killed you." Youwen said as he tightly hugs Wei Ying and clench on the piece of cloth that was left by the perpetrator.


TBC :)

*Youwen is a character from "The Wolf" :)

I hope you guys understand why I am using Xiao Zhan and Wei Ying at the same time :)

Thank you!

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