Final Exams pt 1

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It's been almost a month since the movie. You were scrolling through memes on your phone before bed when a sudden surge of anxiety hit you.

You didn't know what happened so you checked the date.

"Ehhhh?! Only 2 more weeks till Finals?!?"

Yup, finals season.

You quickly grabbed your textbook of the subject you're worst at, Japanese.

You studied like a maniac till 2 am.

Turns out that Teru was exorcising spirits a while back and was headed home, and coincidentally, his route included your house in it.

Each night he used to check your window to see if the light was on, making sure you were asleep.

So as he was walking, he checked your window and saw that your light was on.

He frowned.

"Hm. Why is she up so late? I guess I should text her just in case"

He pulled out his phone.


"Oh a text! This late?"

You opened your phone and it was Teru!

Teru :D
You're still up?

You began typing.

You didn't know that Teru was waiting for your reply outside your house.

You're still up?

Yuki Sato is typing...

Teru let out a sigh. He knew that you were okay. But still you shouldn't be up this late.


You're still up?

Yuki Sato
Ye... I just found out that
finals are in 2 weeks :(

Teru chuckled.

He saw a small stone. He picked it up and threw it at your window.


"Eh?" You thought

You walked up to your window and opened the curtains.

There you saw Teru, smiling and waving at you.


You gave him a hand signal, wait.

You sprinted down your stairs, and fell off the last steps.

"AH-" you screamed in pain.

Teru heard you and started laughing.

You quickly opened the door. There you saw him laughing and apologizing for laughing.

He finally finished and was met with icy eyes and a stern look.

You sighed and gestured for him to come inside.

You made him some tea and sat down on your dining table, facing him.

"So, o great Exorcist of The Minamoto Clan, what brings ya here?" You asked him.

He became serious. He grabbed your chin and asked you, "Why are you up so late? If you needed help in your studies you should've just told me in the morning, not skip your sleep. I would gladly help you study."

You were surprised, sleepy, but surprised.

You held his arm and gently got it off your chin and told him that you'd sleep.

He smiled and got up to go. As he left he smiled and said, "Tomorrow after school meet me in the library, I'll help you study."

"Sure" You replied.

He walked off and before disappearing from your sight he said, " So it's a date!"

You choked on your saliva and began coughing.

"What. The . HELL?! Ahhh whaaa- No. No.He's my childhood friend , I don't want to ruin our friendship... I. Cant. Fall!" You thought.

You closed the door, locked it, and ran up to your room where you face planted into your bed and screamed into your pillow.

You could hardly sleep for the rest of the night.

|| Author's Note ||

Howdy! I hope you're enjoying so far! If you want to, go ahead and follow me or give a vote if you liked this story. I'll give you a spoiler, in the next chapter, you'll have a run in with Hanako- Kun and Teru will be pretty protective. He doesn't want anything to happen to you ^^

I'd like to add that Yuki is friends with Aoi-Chan and has her number saved on her phone, same with Akane since he is in the Student Council.

(Also we are just gonna ignore the fact that he hinted to liking Aoi Chan, that panel doesn't exist here)

Anyways have a good night or day wherever you're from!

Bye! <333

Try Not To Fall || Teru Minamoto x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant