Thyme's Anguish, Gorya's Disappearance

Start from the beginning

The F3 realized Thyme was taking Gorya's disappearance better than expected. After all, wasn't she the tiny girl that had defended herself against him three years earlier?

Gorya woke up dizzy. She opened her eyes and looked around. She shot up in bed, feeling her clothing. She saw two pills on the nightstand beside her. Getting up slowly she went to the living room. "Thyme?" She asked for her boyfriend. When she found the Fella, he turned around. Sweat was flowing down his forehead, it was then she noticed a pull-up bar. Of course, she knew Thyme worked out, there was no way he could have lifted her if he didn't. But there was no way this was Thyme. He moved closer to her. "Listen, you have a fever. you've been here for the last three days. Last I checked it was at 105. You should really stay in bed. Are you hungry?" He asked.

Gorya stared at this guy. When Gorya remained silent, the Fella decided to have a bit of fun with her. "Do you want me to pretend I'm him?" Gorya definitely felt nervous around him. He continued to talk. "I like sensual women but I wouldn't mind a girl like you for a change." Gorya kept moving away from him until her back collided with a wall. Gorya looked at this man with defiant eyes. Looking and sounding like Thyme wouldn't be enough.

Gorya squinted her face, putting her lips together in annoyance. He continued as she couldn't stop staring. The man continued. "Look at me. I'm a duplicate to him in every way!" He wanted her to agree so this job would be done. She couldn't take it anymore, reaching her boiling point. She slapped this look a like. When the guy turned his head back, part of his face was stinging. "I guess Thyme likes a girl with spirit."

Gorya felt brave now. "Don't take me as an easy girl! You're right, you might have Thyme's voice, face, and figure but you don't have his heart. I could care less that you look like him. You aren't him and you never will be."

The look-a-like smiled. Gorya tilted her head. "What's your name anyway?" She asked. The look a like fetched a towel and grabbed an energy drink. "Would it matter if I said it was, 'Deng Anurak Kraisee'?" Gorya opened her mouth, puzzled by this information. "So are you related to Thyme?" The look-a-like grinned. "Well, that's the interesting part of the story." He replied, unknown to Gorya, checking her out. "I might tell you after I get you home." Gorya stared at him speechless. There was no way she would allow that!

Not even 20 minutes later, Gorya left with Deng by her side. If she ran fast enough, would she be able to lose him? She tried. Soon as the light signal turned green. She would have to head home using the back alley though. She was almost through it when someone grabbed her arm from behind. Before she could count to one, she was pressed up against a warm chest. "Hey, let me g-" A voice interrupted her in the darkness. "Where the hell have you been, Gorya? I was really worried about you." Gorya slowly pulled away. The first thing she noticed were the gentle eyes. She realized he was in a navy blue suit. A silver tie hung loosely around his neck, still in a knot. His first shirt button was undone. She could see his eyes were tired. Thyme noticed their necklace was gone and a band-aid was on her forehead. Thyme didn't waste a moment, inspecting her closely. Gorya knew he was looking over her injury. His concern about her was obvious. He brought his hand up to examine her injury. "Are you okay? Gorya? Where's the necklace?" Gorya slowly swept her hand across her neck to feel for it. It was gone! Was it still in the fountain or was it at Anurak's place? "Thyme?" She asked softly.

Gorya sighed when Thyme grasped her wrist and took her to a restaurant. She did look pale. Thyme brought up his hand and felt her forehead. Yeah, she was burning up. When Thyme ordered tea for them and a meal for Gorya, she told him what occurred. "I know I should have left the moment I knew he wasn't you but I tried to understand why he pretended to be you. What if he did the same thing with the Parama group being involved? " She asked.

Thyme raised his eyebrows at the idea. Of course, his girl would think like that and she was right. "Did he say anything else?" He asked. Gorya nodded her head. "I asked him if he was related to you and he said, 'Well that's the interesting part of the story.' Gorya refused to lie to Thyme. "I woke up at his place, I think the necklace could be with him." Right at this moment, Thyme shook his head. When he brought his eyes to meet hers, he saw determination in them. "No Way, Gorya. You won't be meeting with him again." She got hurt because of this guy! Once again, he could feel his inner self, the rage he pushed down. Gorya stared at him, remorseful that she was putting him through this. "Thyme, we need answers. Like who put him up to this?" Thyme's eyes glossed. She knew her safety was always his number one concern.

They didn't speak another word until they finished and left. Gorya watched as Thyme walked ahead of her, she called out to him. Thyme had his head lowered. It didn't matter how much he loved and worried about her, she truly thought she could handle this guy. "Thyme, wait-" Thyme faced her then. She could see she had upset him. "What do you want me to say, Gorya? Your right and I really hate that this guy is a copy of me. He could easily take my life, take my friends and you away from me." He replied before turning, starting to move again.

Gorya went after him, pulling on his balled-up fist. When he faced her again, Gorya cupped his face in her hands. "Gorya, how did you tell us apart?" He asked her in a whispered voice, his eyes staring deeply into her own with such intense, Gorya lowered her eyes.

Author's Notes: 

I hope you like the banner for this chapter P'Bright would have impressed me in two roles. Thyme and the fake cousin. Why can't we get a season 2 and/or film? What do you think of the banner for this chapter?

The fake cousin's name: Deng Anurak Kraisee

Don't worry, he will fess up and tell Gorya his real name soon.

Don't be shy a reader. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.

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