Never a Rose without Thorn(s)

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////Marcy Legally Cannot Swear. Platonic Sasharcy bc we don't get enough of them


////I love the Hanahaki disease prompt. *slaps you with it* FEEL THE ANGST

The Hanahaki disease, Sasha remembered, was a rare disease. When the victim fell in love, they would cough up flower petals when strong emotions concerning their lover were evoked. The disease, she had been told, could be fatal, but if the victim confessed and their lover did feel the same way, they would be healed.

Of course, Sasha had never believed in those silly fairy tales. Her parents may have been assholes, but they weren't stupid.

It was that morning before class started that Sasha ironically felt something painful in her stomach, like a little stab from the inside. She obviously didn't think much of it, and dismissed it as something funny she must have eaten.

Let's rewind. It was a great Thursday morning: Sasha would have her favorite food at lunch, and the cranky theatre teacher had to call in sick, and her favorite teacher was subbing!

Frankly it was a dream come true for any eighth grader like her; but that was the day her life changed forever.

"Hey Anne! Marcy!" Sasha grinned ear to ear: her girls were here! Sure, they were there every day, but something about having them by her side made Sasha happy. She knew she'd probably be nothing without them.

Marcy immediately turned around and started running towards Sasha, but didn't get far as Anne grabbed her by her hood before she could slip on the wet floor.

"Whoops!" Marcy giggled as if it weren't a big deal.

"Yeah, no," Anne grumbled, "You gotta stop doing that."

The two walked over and chatted about what they had heard: gossiping was among the funnest thing to do with friends when at school, because there was always something going on.

"So," Sasha started, loving that they had ten minutes before class started, "did you hear about Margot? I heard she has a partner now!"

"No way!" Anne smiled in disbelief. "Good for her!"

"Yeah, I've heard their name's Zeke," Marcy told her.

They continued chatting, and somehow, their discussion turned to...

"You're kidding. He seriously ate a rock?"

"It was clay."

"Sure, but who the hell would eat clay?"

"Is he still alive?"

"I'd rather eat a raw potato!"

"Oh my gosh, no!"

Somehow Sasha literally cracked and started laughing so hard she had to hold onto Anne for support or she might fall over. Anne was holding on to Sasha's jacket tightly in fear of the girl collapsing.

Sasha eventually caught her breath and stood up straight, letting go of Anne and ignoring the people staring at her for looking like she just died but got summoned back five seconds later.

"Oh, hey," Marcy noticed, "class is starting, we should head inside."

Sasha nodded, a big dumb grin still on her face because of all the laughing. She shot a glance back at Anne, who smiled back.

Aw. Anne could be adorable sometimes, that Sasha knew very well.

Wait, what?

By the time Sasha had reached her desk, she had already had a whole fight with her inner self. Like, I'm sorry, when did she suddenly start finding Anne cute?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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