Intro//First Try :O

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Sashanne has taken over my life. Might as well write something. Forgive me.

////Summary (without spoilers!): Anne and Sasha finally discuss their "emotional baggage".

////Type of Writing: Angst, Fluff, Confession

It had been a long time since Anne had last seen Sasha. Even longer since they'd had a quiet, peaceful moment to talk, which the two coincidentally desperately needed.

The opportunity finally presented itself not one, not two, not even three, but four days after Anne and the Plantars showed up. Talk about a late arrival--at least according to Anne, who had really been looking forward to a chance to have a heart-to-heart with her...

What was Sasha to Anne? Friend? Best friend? Maybe even crush?

Anne's confusing feelings were going to have to be a discussion for later. Right now, the one thing they needed to talk about was Sasha.

Anne had seen how Sasha had grown over the past two days or so, their first mission being the best example. The other day had mostly been consisting of Sasha organizing the Rebellion and showing Anne how exactly everything worked, sending out a mission and planning two or three, explaining to Anne how each strategy was designed to be specifically in their favor; every frog chosen specifically because they were the right one for the job.

It was a fine day in the Resistance. Sasha and Anne had just sent out a mission to Wally and Mrs. Croaker, and Grime said he wanted to catch up on the latest season of Suspicion Island. ("Idiot," Sasha had commented, but Anne had spotted the smile on her face, so she knew it wasn't mean-spirited.)

It was just Anne and Sasha in the war room. Anne inhaled deeply, about to say something, when Sasha cut her off.

"Uh, Anne?" she said with one eyebrow raised. "You good? Pretty big intake of breath."

"Wha--" Anne flushed at the realization that breathing was not, in fact, inaudible. "Yeah, I'm fine! Just wanted to have that discussion about the, uh--what was it? Uhm--" Anne searched her memory, praying to whoever it was in Amphibia's starry sky if they existed that Sasha didn't think she looked stupid.

"Ah, yes," Sasha reminded her awkwardly, "the 'emotional baggage'."

"Oh yeah, we definitely have a lot of that," Anne deducted in a lazy attempt to distract her friend from the embarrassing fact that Anne had literally forgotten two simple words.

"I--I saw you in the portal," Sasha blurted, "before you disappeared. I saw you get teleported, I saw Marcy get--Grime and I were holding off Andrias--if I'd gotten there faster--"

"Hey, hey, calm down." Anne whispered softly. "Wanna take this somewhere more private? I know this is weird, but I really feel watched right now."

Sasha's face reddened only slightly, but not enough for Anne to notice. "Yeah," she mumbled, "I--let's go."

Sasha took Anne's hand and Anne hoped the sweat on her palm would go unnoticed. Anne followed the blonde, letting her guide her to her room.

"It's no 5-star hotel, but it's comfy," Sasha muttered, opening the door to reveal a pretty small area, barely big enough for a bed, a closet and a desk. Anne stepped inside after Sasha and made the bold decision to allow herself to sit down on her bed beside her.

"So," the Thai brunette began, putting a hand on Sasha's shoulder, finally free from that ridiculously large shoulder guard and her cool cape. "What is it you need to talk about right now? Feel free to unload."

Sashanne OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant