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"Keep playing such a disappointing match and I'll have you all sprint home as I wave at you from the bus!" Coach declares angrily.

Satori whispers something to Goshiki that has him looking horrified. Aoki sends a slight scolding glare at Satori for scaring the first-year (he doesn't even see the glare) before Washijo speaks again.

"I want you boys to make me proud... after all, your legacy is the ONLY reason you need to win! I picked each of you. You were selected for this team for a reason! I have confidence in your abilities."

Aoki turns to Coach Saito as the team chats amongst themselves. "I'm going to keep playing but so that you know, the Advil has worn off. I won't take another one because it'll take too long to kick in. We'll be done before it starts, so just let me play. I can go further."

His coach doesn't look happy about it but agrees to let him play.

The whistle blows and the players set themselves up. Karasuno is starting with their vice-captain as the setter. They're likely giving their regular setter a break, fortunately for Shiratorizawa, that means no unexpected quick attacks from shorty.

"Huh?! Is that a setter change?" Satori calls loudly as he moves to start off. "Real nice!" He walks off laughing.

Goshiki starts with the serve and Yamagata and Reon boost his ego a bit before he serves. The serve is picked up by Tanaka and Karasuno scores the first point with their ace.

Shiratorizawa gets a quick next point-- that also knocks one of the officials out of his chair-- and Aoki high-fives Wakatoshi with a quick "Nice kill, try not to hit any more officiants!" Before he has the next serve.

Aoki, knowing full well how bad of an idea it was, executes a beautiful jump serve, hissing quietly as he lands. Daichi picks it up and number two sets it to Tsukishima. It goes off the blockers and four sends it back to the setter who sends it to the ace. It's blocked again but lands out. Aoki sighs as he watches Satori taunt the vice-captain.

Asahi has the next serve. Reon picks it up and Shirabu manages to tip it up and back a bit to Satori. His spike hits the net and Sugawara bumps it to-- the libero?

Nishinoya jumps before the edge of the line, hands raising for a set. He sets it up for a full-team synchronized attack. It goes to Sugawara who spikes it down to Shiratorizawa's side. Goshiki misses it and Karasuno gets the point.

"That was impressive, they all attacked with no defence left whatsoever," Aoki says from his place on the bench. 

Sumi hears him and agrees. "They left no one behind on blocker follow-up duty,"

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"Hey, Ushiwaka. Did you see the new Ring movie last week?" Satori asks as Aoki takes a seat next to Wakatoshi.

"Uh, no." 

"It was terrifying! But that lead actress was enough to get me through it!"

"Whose that?"

Aoki sighs, shaking his head and smiling. "I think the only thing you actually know anything about is volleyball and that's it," he tells Wakatoshi, patting his arm before going back to his rice.

"Tendo and Ishii are the only ones who can carry on a conversation so enthusiastically with him," Reon says to Semi as they watch the three talk about the movie.

"Yeah man, I dunno how they do it. Ushiwaka's so deadpan." Semi agrees.

"Every time we talk you look like you're on anti-fun patrol," Satori tells the ace.

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