A Game Of Cat And Mouse

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         Jughead gave everyone around him the rundown of what he, Betty, and Toni had been keeping from them. He watched as everyone bickered with one another, all of them turning on each other, for some reason the gamemaster wanted to break them. Maybe they thought they would be easier to take down one by one, but still Jughead couldn’t find a motive.

“This is all Tabitha’s fault, you started all this, who’s to say she still isn’t playing the game?” Archie snapped, directing his attention from the crowd to her. They all looked at her, some with their head held down, others looking her directly in her eyes, all of them judging nonetheless. 

“That’s enough.” Jughead yelled, causing everyone to startle at the sudden raise in his voice.

“Blame Tabitha or don’t. It isn’t going to bring either Betty or Toni back. We need to come up with something. We can’t do that while arguing.” Jughead clarified, trying to remove some of the tension from Tabitha, she looked over at him with gratification. 

“Tabitha was being blackmailed just like all of us, she reacted the same way some of you would have. Trust is essential right now” Jughead continued trying to persuade everyone. “No more secrets. No more lies. If you know something, if you think you have something. You share it. With everyone. Right here, right now.” Jughead demanded, studying everyone's faces to see if he could see the slightest falter in their expression that would give off something he could work with. 

“I didn’t find meaning in mentioning this, but perhaps you will Hobo.” Cheryl broke the silence. “Especially if it means finding my Tt.” Cheryl removed her bow and took a step forward as she collected her words.

 “I experienced a bit of deja vu at the wedding.” Cheryl started, still struggling to find a way to explain. “Walking up the stairs and finding you with Tabitha and Toni. I’d seen it before, while I was dealing with the comet. I didn’t think much of it, but it’s like I-”

“Saw into the future.” Jughead muttered. “That’s why Tabitha hadn’t seen it coming, the game being stolen from her. Because you had taken her power, you’d seen it.” Jughead rambled as he stared at all the cards that had been sent to everyone, all the games. Thinking that maybe this time, with that little bit of information he could come up with something, but still his mind was blank. “What else did you see Cheryl?” Jughead pleaded, But Cheryl simply shook her head.

“That was it, when I woke up I was in the Sweet Hereafter with Toni and-” Cheryl paused, and her face stiffened.

“What Cheryl, who else was there?” Jughead asked.

“You, you and Betty. You two greeted me with a muffin basket of all things.” Cheryl said as she rolled her eyes. 

“Now that I think of it. I do remember Heather and Toni saying how Betty and Jughead were being hostile and protective of you. Like they didn’t want you to leave.” Veronica stepped in, interrupting. “But Heather had said that was just your conscience fighting to keep you there.”

“But why me Cheryl? Why me and Betty, Why not Toni or Jason, surely you were closer to them. Why did your conscience choose us?” Jughead continued to ramble, sifting through his papers, his movements more desperate.

“How am I supposed to know Hobo, I was nearly dead.” Cheryl scoffed. Jughead couldn’t find the connection. He couldn’t understand what all of it meant. He had all of the pieces, all of the dots to connect, but he couldn't put them together. He couldn’t come to a conclusion. He violently slung all the paper and envelopes off his desk, and watched as it hit the bunker wall. His hands clung to his hair out of frustration, as everyone looked towards him for an answer.

“What is Jug, who is it?” Archie asked, thinking he’d figured it out, but instead Jughead slouched down against the wall.

“I don’t know.” Jughead admitted, feeling hopeless, he couldn’t figure this out not alone. Then all of a sudden someone had come down the stairs, they stumbled down the ladder, but when they turned around Archie ran towards her.

“Betty, I was so worried, where have you been?” He said as he pulled her in. “Your bleeding are you okay?” Archie asked, concerned.

    Betty stood staring at Jughead in disbelief. She explained everything to Archie and the gang, and in return Jughead caught her up to speed. Regardless, she didn’t seem like she had yet to comprehend what was going on. Jughead rubbed his forehead not even knowing what questions to ask, Toni was still out there somewhere, along with a second Jughead that he couldn’t seem to figure out how they tied in to all of this. On top of all that, time was still ticking, and it wasn’t on their side. 

“Okay say there is a second Jughead, what could he possibly want?” Jughead spoke out loud, not really expecting an answer, so he was surprised when he got one. 

“Jughead, remember when we traveled to the other universe looking for answers about how to stop Percival? Rivervale.” Tabitha clarified. Jughead dwelled on the thought, they had met another Jughead, one who had been restricted to writing down in the bunker for the rest of eternity. He looked up, Tabitha had a sudden sparkle in her eyes as she and him struck upon gold. 

“Okay so second Jughead is here to do a swap.” Jughead started as he started to write on the markerboard. “Which means i'm his target, that also means we think just alike.” Jughead started a bullet list writing everything he said down.

“How would I respond next?” Jughead asked, turning to everyone else who was exchanging glares. 

“A confrontation.” Tabitha suggested, to which Betty rolled her eyes.

“You would play a game of cat and mouse.” Betty insisted, curling her lips as she glanced at Tabitha. “You’d draw us out. Make a threat, causing us to act hastily.”  Betty finished. Jughead glanced around the room, deciding his next play. 

“Okay me and Betty will stay here and try to break this down further. In the meantime Archie comes up with a search party. Everyone searches every abandoned building and every basement. We’re not playing this on their terms, we’re playing on mine. Find Toni before the threat is made.” Jughead ordered, he looked around to see their reaction, no complaints, however he’d seen waver in Tabitha’s face. Jughead couldn’t worry about that now, he needed to find Toni, and he and Betty just had more experience working on these kinds of things. 

    Archie and the rest of them had been searching the southside first, Cheryl knew they weren’t going to find her here, she could feel it. She had been staring at Toni’s old Trailer, thinking about how she had just been there days ago talking to Toni’s nana. Making amends amongst other things, she couldn’t stand the thought of facing her Nana now. Toni had been with Cheryl through almost everything, yet for some reason no matter how hard she tried, she always missed out on being there when Toni needed her. Especially now.

“We’re going to find her, Cheryl. I promise.” Fangs had come up from behind Cheryl, seemingly through his searches, it appears he also knew she wouldn't be found here. 

“You shouldn’t make promises you can’t possibly keep. You're nothing but a man Fangs. Flesh and blood.” Cheryl said bluntly, she had never been very optimistic. 

“My son won’t grow up without a mother. Toni needs to be there to keep me in check, besides his birthday is next week.” Fangs peered into the window of Toni’s nana’s trailer. “I don’t know if Toni got the chance to invite you, but you should come.”

“Even if Toni isn’t able to make it.” Cheryl asked, her head held down, there was a silence that lingered in the air a bit before Fangs answered.

“Even if Toni isn’t there.” Fangs sighed quietly admittingly. A car screeched to a stop in front of them, causing Fangs and Cheryl to jump back. Heather quickly rolled down her window signaling Cheryl to get it, beside her was Sabrina Spellman. 

“Get in Cheryl hurry, there isn’t much time.” Heather exclaimed, and Cheryl jerked Fangs’ hand and dragged into the backseat of the car with her. 

Again sorry about grammar, I never catch it all in time to fix it.

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