Denny, Memorial Day

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skinny as a fungo bat


     like a string-puppet

in sports  

     not great but

          scrappy and fun

long distance runner

     played hard

          no grudges

nobody's idea of handsome

voice like a scratchy record

married straight out of high school


101st Airborne

     everybody had a dumb nickname

          Denny, Little Old Lady

               nobody remembers why

     Thua Thien, South Vietnam

          hit by an RPG

               August 5, 1968

smithereens in a body bag

days later, a letter


          he's a daddy

Denny, if you'd lived sixteen more days

     you could've legally bought beer

I'm sixty-seven years old

     you're forever

          almost twenty-one


Memorial Day 2015

We've lost them by the thousands.  

We grieve them one by one.

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