You can't be two faced (pt. 2)

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(Dream POV)

I woke up with a mission, kill Sapnap. Not literally of course, at least I think. Maybe justs beat some since into him. I made sure to wear dark clothes just so he wouldn't notice me that well in the hallway. But I have 2 problems, he is in a different grade how am I going to get to him, also since I'm 18 he can press charges and I can go to jail. I want to be a doctor so maybe, karl can talk him out of it. I got ready then woke up Karl and Tina and they fought over the bathroom as usual. I wanted to try to get him early so he has less time to mess with Tina. 

Me and Karl got into the car and karl came up to me,"Hey what happened to Tina's eye?She refuses to tell me." He asked. "Uh lets just say you don't have to worry about her getting more black eyes." I said. Tina finally got into the car and we headed to school. I said my goodbyes to my siblings but then something caught my eye. I saw Sapnap go to the bathroom, this is my chance. I followed him into the bathroom, "Hey dude" I said. "Uh hey?". I grabbed his shirt, I didn't want small talk, "Listen here if you look, touch, or even think of my sister again you'll be more than just a  bad boy, you would be a dead one. Got it?" He always acts touch but since I was older and bigger he looked a little scared. "I don't know who you or your sister is man?" I heard the door open but I didn't check who it was. "How about the girl you threw dodgeballs at, ruined her art, and punched in the eye?" I said."Oh her" he said. "Yeah her? Wanna know how it feels like to get punched in the eye?" I said. I was about to punch him but then, "DREAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I turned around and saw Karl. "Go away Karl" I said turning around again facing Sapnap. "NO DREAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he asked. I finally let go of Sapnap. "I'm teaching him a lesson that they don't teach here in school, don't hit girls, especially my sister" I said. "Wait what?" He asked. "Karl he is the reason of Tina's eye she didn't want to tell you because you are friends with her." I said. "Uh can I talk to him alone?" He asked. "Yeah sure."

(Karl POV)

"Sapnap what happened?" I asked. "Dude your brother is insane!" he said. "He doesn't do that for no reason Sap tell me the truth." I said blankly. "Turns out the girl who I called annoying was his sister?" He said. "Wait so you messed with my sister?" I sighed and shook my head.Of course she didn't want to hurt my feelings she is to nice for that. "Did you really punch her Sap?" I asked. "Karl-" he tried to say. "I asked you a question. Answer it." I said angrily. "Yes" I was really angry at this point. "But Karl I really like you like more than friends." He said. My crush likes me. But my crush punched my sister. "Sap you can't like me but hate my sister, she's like apart of me Sap. She is my twin sister, my younger sister. If you hate her than you hate me. You can't be two faced." I said. "But Karl I didn't know she was your sister I wouldn't have-" he tried to say. "YOU SHOULDN'T BE HITTING ANYONE SAP!" i yelled. "Uh sorry Sap I just-. Look you I can't be with you you hurt my sister." I said."I'm sorry Karl" He said with his head down." I started to walk out."I know you are. But I'm not the one you should be apologizing to me." I said then walked out.

(Sapnap POV)

I really messed up. That day I was just having a bad day plus i didn't even know her name how was I going to know she was his sister? I liked Karl for a year now and I just ruined it all.The next view days I tried to walk up to Tina to apologize but Karl got his classes changed so he had all his classes with Tina and would walk in front of her or give me a death stare. I messed up.

(Dream POV)

Everything had been good every since I talked to Sapnap he stayed away from her and I had Karl switch classes. I was picking up Tina from practice and I always pick her up last. "Hey teenz how was your day?" I asked. "It was actually really good! I made a friend and at cheer practice we totally hit our routine." I was glad she was happy. "That's good! How about you Karl." I asked. "It was uh good.Oh and Tina I found out about Tina and I'm sorry that you felt you couldn't tell me" Karl said. "Oh uh no I'm sorry for not telling you." Tina said. Once we got home I suggested we watch a movie together as a family and we did. 


A/n: Not everythig can end in a happy ending guys! Hope you enjoined tho!Please give tips for me to better improve my writing! If I miss TW please comment.Give story ideas and I will give creds!

Eat,sleep treat yourself you are amazing! Stay safe and awesome!

(update: not doing a full book on this story sorry!)

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