Wake Up Call

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I OWN NOTHING. I am simply borrowing these characters so that I can make them do what I've been wanting them to do since I was 12. :)

"I can't understand whys he keeps insisting that I attend these things." Colonel Roy Mustang adjusted the ceremonial saber strapped to his side, his eyes moving across the crowded room, seeking his prey.

At his side, Lieutenant Havoc chuckled. "Face it, Colonel, she's always been right. Whenever you come to these things you get some sort of intel."

Mustang turned to glare at the man standing at his side, also in formal military uniform. Nervously, Havoc rubbed the back of his head with one hand, the other in his pocket searching out his pack of cigarettes.

"And where the hell is she anyway?" Mustang grumbled. Damn the woman. Why should he have to suffer when she wasn't there in any case?

"Who knows?" Havoc said around the unlit cigarette between his lips. "Women like to be fashionably late."

The Colonel scoffed. "Not her." It was one of the many things he admired about her.

Again, Havoc chuckled. "That's true. So you think she's bringing anyone?"

An unjustified, unwanted feeling of envy pulsed through Colonel Mustang for a moment. Why should it matter to him if she chose to date? Why should he want to pull the man of her choosing limb from limb and relish it?

So he shrugged, in response to his subordinate. "Who knows."

And with that, the discussion was over.

Fifteen Minutes Later...

"Dammit! Where the hell is she?"

"Where's who?" Lieutenant Fury whispered to a grinning Havoc.

"Who do you think could produce such a black mood from him?" Havoc replied to his co-worker, secretly enjoying his boss' frustration.

Fury's eyes widened. "You think she did it on purpose?"

Havoc's eyes glittered with amusement. "You never know..."

"If she's not here in the next five minutes, you two are going looking for her!" Mustang said, turning to his subordinates. Did they not know that he could hear them? Or maybe Havoc was doing it on purpose. He wouldn't put it past him. He was beyond pissed. There was going to be hell to pay. And he would be collecting it directly from that bloody woman.

Havoc and Fury nodded at their commanding officer. Then, Havoc's eyes widened and he barely kept his (still unlit) cigarette from falling out of his mouth.

The Colonel noticed his Lieutenant's gaze and was hit- metaphorically- in the gut when he followed it.

There she was.

Her long, blonde hair fell in gentle waves down her back and shone like gold. Spotting them, she began crossing the room, the slit in her navy blue, floor length gown, revealing a flash of creamy, white skin with every step she took.

He must have been blind, he finally decided. He had to have been. How else could he have missed the fact that she was so beautiful?

It seemed like forever until she was standing in front of him. But then he couldn't find his voice. How could he, when she had taken his breath away?

"You look amazing, Lieutenant," Fury said, blushing furiously, trying to stare anywhere but her breasts which were covered- only just- by the fabric of her dress, the deep V in the front showing her cleavage to the best advantage.

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