Chapter 4

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Brielle's POV

Zavyon looked so damn good. And smelt better. He wore black fitted shirt with some dark was Purple jeans, and black air forces. I never really noticed his half tattoo sleeve on his left arm. 'Fear No Man But God' was written on his forearm with what looked like clouds in the background. Typical nigga tattoo.

We were on our way back to my house and the way he was driving with one hand with his low red eyes due to the joint he smoked earlier just did something to me. It was no secret that he some fine shit.

"Whatchu lookin at?" he said to me while keeping his eyes on the road.

Hmm. Be bold. Or be shy.

"You." I replied back


"Is that right?" he smirked looking at me with his straight teeth.

Butterflies in my stomach and my pussy.

"Mhm" I hummed.

"What you see?" he says playing smart.

I wanted to speak my mind but I was already bold enough. It's time to calm down.

"You silly"

He turns his head to me to give me that same sexy smirk. And I blush shyly, quickly turning my head towards the window to because he started making me nervous.

"Oou there's a McDonald's, can we go?" I asking turning my head towards him.

"Yeah, I got the munchies" he says lowly.


We were now parked in the McDonalds's parking lot. "So what school you went to before?" Zavyon asks he was eating his oreo McFlurry and I was eating some french fries.

"I used to live in Orlando, but I went to "Orange Tree Academy" I say back.

"Private school shorty, huh?" he questions with a giggle.

"Not too much on it" I say defending myself.

So why y'all moved down here?" he asked.

"My mom got a new job, and wanted a change of scenery?"

"How you like it down here so far?"

"I mean it's cool, I haven't gotten to really explore yet though"

"Shit, say the word and let's go."

I rolled my eyes to make it seem like I'm uninterested, but I actually wouldn't mind at all.

"Nah I'm for real. I know Miami like the back of my hand. Born and raised. I know all the good spots, trust." he said.

"We'll see" I replied with a smile on my face showcasing my dimples.

We continued to learn more about each other, but I only shared the surface. Nigga don't need to know the whole nine, at least not yet.

I learned Zavyon has two sisters, one older, one younger. He's very close with his cousin, Marcyon, who's basically his brother because their moms are twin sisters and had them at the same time. He's a Gemini, born June 2nd.  He loves basketball and dedicates most of his time to the sport. And he loves to go to the beach to smoke and clear his mind.

I'm not gonna lie, the more I learned about him, I just wanted to know more. As much as I wanted to sit here and talk with him for longer, it was minutes to 11:30 and my mother does not play that.

"Are you ready?" I asked him not wanting to make him feel that I want to leave, I just had to.

"Yea, it's getting late lemme bring you back home." he says.


Deja's POV

I looked everywhere for Jaliya and Dell after Zay and Brielle. But they were no where to be found. I'm not gonna lie, I definitely felt some type of way that Zay was giving Brielle attention. I had a crush on Zavyon since the 6th grade, but I have always been too scared to tell him.

And even if Zay and Brielle start talking, it won't get to anything serious. She'll just be another part of his collection.

I'm Zay's girl best friend. The one he asks for advice. The one he calls when he's bored. And the one that knows him. Brielle not gone stand a chance. I will do everything in my power to make sure they don't get no where. Call it hating, call it what you want. But I want Zavyon to myself.

Brielle's POV

We pulled up to my house and I unbuckled my seat belt, reached for my bag by my seat.

"Alright I'mma see you on Monday."I said to Zavyon indicating that I'd see him in study hall.

"Nah whatchu doin tomorrow?" he asked me.

"I'm getting my nails done at 11." I replied, knowing what was coming after.

"Imma come scoop you at 2." he demanded.

"Are you telling me or asking me" I said with a smile on my face.

"I mean if you bout it, you'd come" he retorted back.

"We'll see." I said opening the door.

"Bye Bri." he replied, making me blush yet again.

The sound of my nickname sounded good rolling off his tongue.

I opened the garage and the door leading to the house and looked back and noticed he was still there. Aww he waited for me to get in the house. I waved and went into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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